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Manolo García: Pájaros de Barro

I got up before the rest of them did, wanting to repay them for the lovely surprise by making breakfast and coffee. The summer sun was brighter in Madrid than in any other place, and it was the prettiest sight. Sitting out on the terrace with a coffee in one hand and my phone in the other, I read the morning news quietly.

"You're up quite early.", a thick accent appeared from the inside and grabbed my attention.

"There's pancakes inside, if you're hungry and the coffee's made.", Zayn grabbed a cup and joined me in the sunshine shortly.

"Not much of a breakfast person, either, I presume."

"Correct. But I wanted to make some to soak up your hangovers and to thank you for doing what you did last night.", it felt weird sitting on a beautiful terrace in the plain heart of Madrid, next to Zayn, thanking him for singing with One Direction once more, for my ears only.

"It was long overdue, you were just the catalyzer in this situation, which we lacked. Besides, I cannot imagine how awkward it must have felt having us sing only to you."

"I didn't want to say it, because it was a dream come true at the same time, but it was awkward as hell. I didn't know whether to sing along, since I know the words to any song you'd choose to sing or to just sit there and smile really big.", we both laughed at the thought and a little cough soon interrupted us.

"Zayn... just because she said you were her favorite doesn't mean you can try and steal her from me, y'know.", Harry slowly walked over to the sofa where I was sat and kept pointing two fingers from his own eyes over to Zayn, to make sure he knew he was being watched closely. The rest of them got up one by one and we had breakfast together.

"How about we all get showered and ready and then I'll take you to my favorite spot here in Madrid. The owners of the restaurant are really close friends of mine so we can make sure nobody spots you."

"How about we all shower together, that could be fun, don't ya think?", Louis wiggled his eyebrows and the rest of us just rolled our eyes at his suggestion.

"I didn't know you had friends here, that's very lovely of you to offer, miss international.", Liam teased, unattractively shoving the last of the pancakes into his mouth.

"I lived in Madrid for a while back in uni, so I really know my way around it. Would it be too much to ask for you all to be ready in half an hour?", we got up from the dining table and the boys all tried helping with the dishes which resulted in a lot of loud noises and them stepping over each other's feet.

Surprisingly, they all got ready in time and we ordered a van to drive us to the south side of Madrid, where my friend's restaurant was located. I was really looking forward to seeing them, it'd been a while since I last visited my Spanish family, as they called themselves. When I studied in Madrid, they truly were the closest thing to family I had, and they took me in, fed me and kept me company whenever I got lonely. The nicest feeling was always having a place to come to when in Madrid. The taxi dropped us off in the middle of the very familiar, quiet street that was home to a restaurant only locals frequented.

*A/N: The parts of the conversation with Ramón, José and their mother would obviously be in Spanish, but there would be no point in writing those exchanges in Spanish, since everyone wouldn't understand, so we'll just use our imagination for this one*

"Corazón! It's been such a long time since your last visit, how have you been?", a tall man with a signature Spanish beard and a warm smile welcomed us inside. We hugged for what felt like an hour, and even if it were an hour it still wouldn't have been enough to make up for all the time we'd spent apart.

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