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Niall Horan: No Judgement

Watching Harry on stage was different than I expected it to be. I was amazed and in awe by how he moved across it with ease, how he didn't hide his true self and how he danced the way he wanted to... the way the music made him move. At the same time, I was constantly on edge and nervously shifting one foot in front of the other, worried that something wouldn't go as he envisioned it. To the artist, their art is very important, obviously. But, the songs aren't the only art they worry about, because the performance brings the finishing touch. And if the performance doesn't go as planned, the entire vibe could appear ruined. I knew, in the back of my mind, that there was nothing Harry could do that would disappoint his fans – no falls on stage, no voice cracking and no forgetting of the lyrics could ever make them love Harry less. However, I knew there were things out of his control, that troubled him before every big concert... would somebody faint and require medical assistance, would there be enough space for everyone to feel comfortable around each other, would the experience live up to the expectations? From the perspective of the fans, seeing him live out his dreams on that stage was enough to produce a lifetime of good memories and happiness. I only hoped he was aware of the spell he cast over them whenever he opened his mouth to sing or smiled at someone in front row.

"He's really killing it out there.", Chris seemed to be the only one able to vocalize his thoughts, since Apple and I just stood, motionless, and held hands. The girl personified what I'd look like if I got to experience this when I was 15... shaking, opening her mouth wanting to scream but stopping herself right before she loses it.

"Harry is one of a kind, I think it shows how much he really loves his job when he's on stage.", the amount of pride I felt, having heard another musician say how incredible Harry's performance was, was immense. The entirety of the world's feelings came crashing down on me, and I secretly thanked heavens I wasn't able to attend more of his concerts, because going through this emotional roller-coaster multiple times would be more than I could handle.

"Now I'll sing you a song that's very close to my heart. Before you all get excited it is not a One Direction song nor is it one of my unreleased songs. This one is by the most incredible musicians of the band called Fleetwood Mac. It's called 'The Chain', and I wish to sing it with the talented and amazing Stevie Nicks, my dear friend, one day.", the crowd kept quiet through his intro, almost as if we were all hoping this big surprise turned out to be what we imagined it would. It's no secret that all One Direction fans hoped one of the boys would bring someone from the band on stage to sing an old 1D banger together. It never happened, but him singing this song, one of my favorites, meant so much.

"Apple, this is gonna be Thea's time to fangirl over a song, just like you did over Harry. Watch and learn.", Chris leaned over us both and told his daughter what he knew was about to happen. As soon as Sarah started on the opening beat, I went into a trance.

"Listen to the wind blow / watch the sun rise / Running in the shadows / damn your love, damn your lies.", Harry sang and turned his attention to the backstage area, flashing me the warmest of smiles. Having heard him perform 'The Chain', I knew I could go my entire life without hearing anyone perform anything, and still die happily. It wasn't an exaggeration.

"You've been a lovely lot. Thank you for coming and supporting the new record and me. I sincerely hope you had a good time! I love you all.",  the crowd screamed once again and Harry sent them air kisses while making his way backstage. He was beaming. He went straight for me and enveloped me in a big hug.

"You were incredible, darling.", I whispered into his ear and he finally let me go, in order to say hi to the rest of his friends that were here to congratulate him. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a familiar figure approach Harry.

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