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U2: City of Blinding Lights

Harry woke me up at seven in the morning and, much to my dismay, insisted I got up and ready quickly because we'd miss our ride. What he neglected to tell me was that our ride was, in fact, him and the car he rented so we couldn't actually miss it. A cup of coffee (and another one for the road) later, we were packed and ready to go. He told me we could share the DJ duties half and half, but only if I vowed not to play any One Direction. I obviously said that I wouldn't make any promises, and he called dibs on the first half of the journey. The dominant trait was music from the sixties and the seventies – The Beatles, Fleetwood Mac and early Rolling Stones, which I didn't mind one bit. I decided to bring it to the eighties and nineties with U2, Eric Clapton, a bit of Green Day and I threw a few Easter-egg One Direction songs into the mix.

"You really couldn't help yourself?", he smiled, keeping his eyes on the road.

"It's an essential for every road trip, this one shouldn't be any different. You could've offered to sing me my favorite bits and saved yourself the horror of having to listen to 1D, but you decided not to do, sleep where you lay, or whatever the saying is.", I stated matter-of-factly and he just scoffed at my suggestion to sing their songs.

"Which ones would you choose? If I were to sing you two 1D songs... I am not saying that I'll do it. I'm just curious about your choice.", Harry made the last part very clear and I'd already come to terms with the fact that I was never going to hear him sing One Direction songs in his free time. I was probably never going to hear One Direction sing their songs live, either. But his question got me thinking.

"I need another coffee before I give you my answer, find a petrol station please.", this was the first stop of the journey, he wasn't keen on stopping at all but ultimately admitted to needing a wee as well.

It was a sunny day in April, the perfect road trip weather. I was dying to know what we'd be doing in New York but Harry refused to tell me a single thing, which drove me bonkers. My pushing only got him to laugh and enjoy torturing me with the lack of information and we were going in circles. They were fun circles, though.

"Okay, finish your smoke and let's go!", he was wearing a vintage KISS band tee, washed out jeans and an old pair of Converse, with some funky seventies sunnies. It was strange seeing him in jeans, and not black jeans but a light wash pair, but the man could rock his jeans...

"Come on, teacup. Give it to me straight, but make sure your choice is final because there's no take backsies and it's crucial for our friendship.", the car started and we were pulling out of the petrol station, to the soundtrack of a 'songs about New York' playlist that Harry insisted he put on.

"First choice... Happily.", I tried to read his expression when I told him the song, but he was very good at hiding it. His eyes did a little happy twinkle, though, the kind they only did when he was satisfied with someone's answer but wouldn't show it.

"Okay, why is that?", he pushed.

"It's from my favorite album. When I heard Happily for the first time everything just made sense. And it's remained like that ever since.", he nodded as I spoke, agreeing with my explanation and trying to suppress a grin.

"I agree. And the second one? Be careful what you say now, my teacup, it may come to bite you in the ass.", he wiggled his eyebrows and I couldn't really help but laugh at the suggestion. Honestly, I could probably quickly come up with a list of top ten 1D songs, in order, that I'd like to hear live, but he didn't need to know that so I made it seem like I was struggling with the choices.

"After careful consideration, I'd like to do an 'honorable mentions' category for our fallen brothers and sisters first, if you agree.", it was more than he asked for, but I couldn't stop my fangirl self from resurfacing.

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