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Al Green: Let's Stay Together

Before I even realized it, we were in December and London had turned into Christmas central overnight. There were lights stringed all over the streets, shops put out their festive decorations and you could have a hot chocolate on every corner. It was what lit up my days going to and from work, since there was nothing happening at work. I was beginning to get frustrated and I constantly scolded myself for it... I knew what I was getting myself into, it's never easy when a business is new. It takes time, patience and a lot of energy to position yourself on the market and get clients. I got that but I couldn't help but feel less motivated when I walked into the office every day. Rodney was aware of my low spirits and he really tried to push me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I guess it was the memory of last December and the mayhem that we experienced as an event production company in DC that kept me from feeling inspired to push through the slow period here.

When I got home the warmth surprised me. It was a welcome change from the crisp air outside. Harry must've left the heat on before leaving this morning and it doesn't get better than that. We were kind of living at my place for a week and then at his for another. I unpacked the food shop and changed into comfier clothes and then I noticed a gigantic spider on the floor. It was moving slowly, not knowing where to go and my first reaction was to climb up on the coffee table, as if the spider wouldn't be able to get to me if I'm off the living room floor.

"Teacup, what the hell are you doing?", keys jangled outside and the door opened to reveal a bundled up Harry, who walked in and seemed instantly amused by the scene in front of him.

"I'm standing on the coffee table; I can do that... I live here and I can do whatever the hell I want.", I said confidently, crossing my arms over my chest. He wasn't buying it.

"Where's the spider?", the man knew me like the back of his hand, there was no way I'd do something as silly as climb the coffee table if there were no insects involved.

"Under the console table...", I pointed to the TV stand and he walked over, locating the creature pretty quickly. Instead of killing it, which I would've done if I had the guts to face it, he took a magazine, scooped it up and threw it through the window.

"It's okay, the air is clear and you can come down.", he extended his hand to help me down.

"Thank you, my love. How was your day?", it was a conscious decision between us to talk about work only once a day. We were both in a rut work-wise, he'd taken some time off to be in the UK, visit with his family, write music and just generally enjoy himself after the tour. I, on the other hand, was stuck levitating in the air somewhere between being happy that I was in Europe and frustrated that I had no work to do.

"It was good. I went for a workout with Niall, he says hi, by the way. Then I had lunch with Gem and I tried writing music but nothing came out. How about you, what did you get up to, my teacup?"

"Your day was much more eventful than mine, but it's honestly fine. It'll be okay once we get some clients and start doing proper work.", we were making lemon rosemary salmon with a side of potatoes for dinner and I was trying to keep busy by unpacking the food and getting it prepped for cooking. I knew Harry noticed I was off when it came to work, mainly because I hadn't been sharing much with him. It was because there was nothing to share, I didn't know where we stood as a company.

"It doesn't seem fine, teacup. What's the matter?", he pushed me ever so lightly, using his pet name for me to make sure I knew he wasn't looking for a fight and wouldn't force me to talk about it if I really didn't feel like it.

"I don't know. It's very weird. I feel like we'll never get clients and I'll never go back to doing big events again. Do you remember when we met in December of last year? That was my third party of the week and probably the twentieth event we produced that entire month. Since I've been here, with Rod, we've only had one album listening party and we were completely unnecessary in terms of production.", I took out a baking dish from one of the cupboards and started layering rosemary and half a sliced lemon inside.

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