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Harry Styles: Ever Since New York

Josh came over as soon as I told him it was an urgent 'boy' matter. In the year we'd known each other I haven't shared a boy matter with him once. My job had been my priority and my social life pretty much revolved around the events I was producing and work parties I was attending. All of that, apparently, changed with the Christmas Ball and meeting Harry. How I let it change so drastically, without ever noticing, was beyond me. 

"Okay, I brought wine and popcorn... I didn't know if this would be a depressing story or an interesting one. Sit down while I find the largest wine glasses you own.", he shoved me gently over to the couch and maneuvered his way around my kitchen cabinets.

"First of all – where the hell were you this weekend? Not a single text for three days!! You had me worried sick, you asshole.", a glass of wine was securely in each of our hands and a bowl of freshly made popcorn rested on top of the tiny coffee table next to us.

"That's what I wanna talk to you about. So Friday night, I come home from drinks and find Harry on my doorstep. He told me he needed a little break from recording and he flew to DC...", Josh had a look on his face, he was dying to yell out something obscene, but I thankfully stopped him and continued with my story.

"We had a nice night in, and right before going to bed he told me we were going to New York early Saturday morning and that it was a surprise. So anyway, we drove up there, checked into a hotel, got lunch and ice cream, had a nap, and he disappeared from our room while I was in the shower. He left me an outfit on the bed and told me to meet him at 8. Turned out he arranged for us to go to a U2 concert in MSG, meet all of the band and get a private VIP experience. It was the most incredible thing ever and I haven't felt happier in a long time. We had brunch the next day, walked around the city and drove back down to DC. Here is where I'm gonna need the wine and you'll want the popcorn...", I gulped more than half of the glass down and Josh got more comfortable on the couch, with the bowl now in his lap. He motioned for me to go on, and I thought 'well, here goes nothing...'.

"When we got back here, it was really hard for me to say goodbye to him because, y'know... I got accustomed to being around him. So we hugged and I kind of sort of pulledhimbackandkissedhimonthelips....", Josh almost dropped the bowl on the carpet and his hand flew over his mouth. I just closed my eyes and hoped for the embarrassment to go away.

"Sister, you did not. You. Did. Not.", he was still astounded by what I shared and I couldn't open my eyes, even though it was just Josh.

"Oh, I did. I wish I didn't. But it's done and I have no idea what comes next...", I filled up our glasses with more sauvignon blanc and pulled out an ashtray from the cupboards. I usually had a policy of not smoking inside the flat, but this was a stressful situation and those required a dose of nicotine mixed with alcohol.

"What did he do? How did he act? You've left out the most important details.", he urged me to continue, and what I was about to relive might have been the worst possible bullshit that ever came out of my mouth.

"Before he had the chance to say or do anything I asked him not to turn this into something it's not and I may have recited the first rule of Fight Club.", my hands flew over to my face once more, a natural reflex to my own stupidity.

"I mean, hearing it like this makes it sound dorky... but it's you we're talking about, so I know it turned our cool and carefree.", my friend tried really hard to make this situation suck less.

"Yeah, but the thing is... It's Harry we're talking about, not me, and he's all about openness and emotion, not hiding from it but embracing it. And there I went and did exactly the opposite of his life motto, I hid under a rock. A giant, huge rock.", I finally voiced my feelings over this entire mess I'd created.

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