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"Fuck." Beyoncé groaned as she hopped out of bed after hearing her daughter's cry.

Her head was pounding with an intense headache, and Alani's screams were only making it worse.

"Shh, I'm right here," She mumbled, sticking the pacifier into her daughter's mouth. She picked her up and watched as Alani calmed herself down, "Who hurt mama's baby?"

Alani had tears in her eyes from how much she was crying. Beyoncé kissed her every tear away while rocking her side to side.

She grabbed her phone just to see that it was still dead so she connected it to the charger and looked at the time on the digital clock.

"Damn, it's early." She said to herself after seeing it was only 8am. Going back to sleep would've been nice but she knew her baby wasn't going to let that happen.

Her daughter began whining again so she headed downstairs to grab a bottle out of the refrigerator. She warmed it up and then tested the warmth of it on the back of her hand before giving it to Alani.

"Hmph, your daddy isn't here baby girl. It's just me and you, the usual."

Remembering the events from last night made her shake her head in disappointment. She was mad at herself for even getting that drunk to say those things, but she was also upset with Jay for the way he handled everything.

It was obvious she was drunk and instead of being a good sport, he found that the time to make her upset.

She wasn't sure what exactly she said and did, but she knew that he had took her out of character. She haven't seen that side of herself since she was in college.

After feeding her baby, she gave her a bath and let her chill out in the middle of the bed while she showered and got herself together.

The shower instantly put Beyoncé in a better mood, and she felt even better now that her headache had slightly went away. All she wanted to do was eat, so she grabbed a playful Alani and headed back downstairs to cook herself something.

For three months, this had been her routine. Sadly, she wouldn't mind going back to work just to give her something to do but she wasn't ready to leave her baby alone just yet.

She still couldn't believe Jay would get that upset because of her one night of fun. She shook her head as she thought about the little details she remembered from the night before.

Since Alani was wide awake and making noises, Beyoncé settled on Ramen Noodles. It was super quick and easy, and she oddly had a taste for them.

As Alani sat in her bouncy chair, Beyoncé jogged upstairs to retrieve her ringing phone.

It had been dead for hours so there was no telling who was calling her to be sure she was okay.

"Yes?" She answered as quickly as she could.

"Beyoncé? Hi, this is Raven, your wedding planner. Were we still meeting tomorrow to visit the venue?"

She nodded and plopped back down on the couch, "Yeah we are. At 3, right?"

"Yes ma'am. I just wanted to be sure that we were for sure meeting at this time."

"Mhm, we are. Thanks for reminding me, and could you give my fiancé a call as well to let him know please?"

"Indeed! Thank you."

They ended the call and Beyoncé sucked her teeth. She could have easily told Jay the plans but she wasn't talking to him and didn't plan on talking to him just yet.

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