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'Have I ever mentioned how much I fucking hate this job?' Santana Lopez said after a round of collecting empty glasses.

'Only about ten thousand times.' Quinn Fabray replied nonchalant wiping down the counter.

'Come on guys. Be positive.' Rachel Berry said. We're only going to be working here until we get our first gig. Which will be soon?'

'Is it unprofessional if I slap her?' Santana said turning to the blonde.

'Yes it is. Don't.' Quinn said.

'You know the one good thing about working in the dump?.' Rachel asked. 'The guys are cute.'

'The girls are cuter.' The Latina said catching the eye of a blonde. 'I'm out.' She said on the next round of picking up glasses.

'Well she's not going to any work.' The brunette said.

'I'll go collect the glasses.' Quinn said making her way around the bar.


Noah Puckerman was in his usual spot, coasting for tonight's one night stand. He knew how to pick them, they had the look in their eye. Well, usually he didn't even have to try. They came to him.

'Can you not go one night with out checking out every chick you see?' Finn Hudson, his bestfriend asked.

'No. It just happens.' Puck smirked. He looked out into the crowd and saw a blonde, she was wearing the bars uniform and collecting glasses. Her hair was pulled back into a near ponytail. She had the glass holder in one hand and the other resting on her hip. He was immediately intrigued. She made her way to his table.

'Are you done with those?' Her voice was inpatient and husky. When there was no reply and he was just looking at her up and down she furrowed her eyes brow and pursed her lips. 'Are you done with those?' She repeated looking at the other man on the table.

'Yeah, were done.' The other guy said. Quinn collected the glasses heading back to the head of the bar. She huffed as she set down the glasses in the back. What the hell just happened?


An hour later the same guy comes to the bar ensuring that he's served by her. Quinn looked at him rolling her eyes and then realising she has to be professional.

'What can I get for you sir?' She asked in the 'nicest' voice she could muster.

'It's not on the menu.' Mohawk replied with a smirk. The blonde had a thing for giving people nicknames if she didn't know their real names. I guess his is Mohawk. She rolled her eyes and audiable sighed. 'I think here is where you meant to ask me again.'

She swoolloed hard trying not to punch this guy in the face. She closed her eyes for a split second and looked at him. 'And what is that?'

'You.' He smirked. The blonde laughed, noticing his smile faultier.

'Seriously? Is that all you got? I've heard that one a thousand times. Get some new lines and come back to me.'

'Hey, I've never had to actually use them before. Usually girls come up to me.'

'Are we done here?' He looks defeated. That oddly makes Quinn happy. 'Well, it sure was nice talking to you.' She said going back into the storage cupboard.

He stood there stunned for a few seconds before getting up and finding where the hell she went.

The blonde heard the door open and she expected to see Rachel or Santana but she saw Mohawk. Why can't this guy get the memo. Not interested!

'You can't be back here.'

'Says who?' He asked with a smirk.

'My boss. Asshole.' She replied. Placing her hands on her lip. 'Leave.'  Damn. This girl was so gorgeous.

'I'm not leaving until I get your name babe.'

'I have a name, and it isn't babe.' She rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips 'Quinn.' She said bluntly. 'Out, now!'

'You didn't let me finish. You also have to agree to put with me tonight.' He said.

'Hell no.' She said. 'Get out of here.'

'Na-uh. I've never been rejected before. I'm not starting now.'

'There is a first time for everything.' She said. Pushing past him and walking to Santana telling her that she's going on break.

She stood leaning against the building. Her eyes fluttered closed as she collected her thoughts. She just wanted to be at home. She heard the door opened and she immediately tensed.

'Sup blondie.' She turned around and was greeted by him. It dawned on her that she didn't know his name. He pulled out a cigarette, lighting it and taking a drag.

'That's a disgusting habit.' She said. Why did she say something? She should have just went back inside. She hated to admit but she was kind of drawn to this guy. He was an asshole no doubt. But seemed kind of sweet. He immediately took the cigerette away from his lips and put it out on the ground.


'I'll be happy when you leave me alone.' She said walking back into the bar.

Damn. Normally he would give up, find the next girl that caught his attention. But this girl. Quinn. She was different. And he was determined to find out more about her.

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