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'Finn's gone.'

She furrowed her brow and read the note a million times. 'W-What do you mean he's gone?'

'I was getting ready for the wedding and went into the room to see how he was feeling and he wasn't there but that note was.'

'Rachel can't find out.'

'Rachel can't find out what?' Santana asked approaching the blonde from behind. 'Sup manwhore.' She said to Puck.

'Finn's gone.' The blonde said simply handing the note to Santana. 'Rachel can't find out.'

'What do you mean she can't find out? What about when she walks down the aisle and there's not a groom?' Puck asked frantically.

'Because Finn is going to be there.' The blonde said trying to sound confident. 'Santana you have to distract Rachel, keep her busy. Puck and I will try to find Finn.'

'Are you sure?' Santana asked lowly.

'This is for Rachel. Nothing and no one else.' Quinn explained. 'We'll be an hour tops.' And with that she grabbed her cardigan that was hanging near the door and left.


Puck and Quinn drove around the streets of New York trying to find Finn.

'There is no hope.' Puck sighed.

'Just be patient. We'll find him.' She argued, his negativity was annoying her.

'How do you know? He could be on his way to Mexico by now.'

'Because he loves her. When you love someone you don't just run away.'

'Like you did?' He asked. She turned to face him and studied his face. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were dark, like he hadn't slept.

'That's different. I didn't run away. You kissed some other girl.'

'I didn't cheat on you. That girl came onto me and I pushed her away because of how I feel about you.' She bit her lip and stared out the window watching the streets pass by them.

'I don't care.' She said lowly. It was a blatant lie and they both knew it. Her gaze remained fixated on the streets because she couldn't look at him without wanting to cry...or kiss him. It was silence whilst the drove until Quinn spoke immediately regretting the words as they left her mouth.

'You never followed me.' She began. 'After everything we went through, you just let me walk away. Why?'

Puck hesitated. The truth was he didn't know why he let her go. He kicked himself when she walked out the door. 'I-You didn't give me a chance to explain what happened.'

'You could have made me stay.'

'Would you have stayed?'

The answer was no. They both knew it. 'Forget I asked.'  She settled back down into the seat.

'I wish I did. I should have pulled you back, o-or barricaded the door and made you listen to me but I didn't. I'm sorry.'

She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat. 'Today isn't about us. I don't want to fight.'

'Neither do I.' Pick agreed.

Just when she was about to loose hope and tell him to turn the car around she saw Finn. He was on a bench with his head in his hand.

'Stop the car. I see Finn.'

The pair got out of the car and approached the run away groom.

'Finn.' Quinn said lowly and sat next to him on the bench rubbing circles on his back. 'What are you doing?'

'I-I don't know.' He admitted. 'I want to marry her. I do, so much but I'm scared.'

'Love is scary.' The blonde said. 'But if you feel it, Pursue it.' She mentally kicked herself because she should be taking her own advise.

'Rachel loves you. If she finds out about this she'll be heart broken and you'll never be able to forgive yourself.' Puck explained. 'I know what it's like to be scared of love. So scared that it'll go away or you'll screw it up so you purposely try to mess it up because it seems to good to be true but you'll drown in your own regret and heartbreak. I don't want that for you.'

During Puck's confession Quinn was looking at him feeling every word he was saying. She was terrified of love and it leaving so she purposely made herself believe the worst situation and she genuinely believe that the girl came onto him. She wanted to be with him but her own fear and doubt drowned her.

'Are ready to marry the love of your life?' Quinn asked once silence fell amongst the trio.

'Yes.' Finn said standing up. 'Thank you. Both of you.'

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