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'Are you having a baby shower?' Rachel asked. Puck was working late and Finn was at his and Rachel's apartment. Since The brunette had just returned from her honey moon she wanted to spend time with her friends.

'No.' Quinn rolled her eyes. 'I have two friends and they're both sitting on my bed.'

'You mean on your guest room bed.' Santana teased. 'This room looks like it hasn't been touched in over a week.'

'Just admit that you and Noah are dating.' Rachel said.

'We're not.' The blonde lied but the way her cheeks turned bright red gave away her secret.

'Liar.' Santana pointed out.

'Fine. We got back together at the wedding.' She admitted.

'The wedding? That was nearly two weeks ago and you didn't tell us.'

'I didn't want to jinx it.'

'Jinx it? What are you five?'

'Telling people meant that it was real and if it's real it can end and I really, really don't want it to end.'

The two girls exchanged a sympathetic look and moved to sit either side of the blonde. 'Puck loves you Q.'

'You know that.' Santana added. 'He has since he he walked into the bar the night you met.'

'You two are soulmates.' Rachel said. 'Like Santana and Brittany and me and Finn.'

Quinn smiled and rested her head on Santana's shoulder.

'Q, I'm back-' Puck said walking into the guest room but stopped when he saw the girls. 'Am I interrupted something?' He asked with a smirk on his face.

The girls rolled their eyes and picked up the pillows and throwing them at him.


A few hours later the girls had gone and Puck and Quinn were watching a movie in their room.

'Do you believe in soulmates?' The blonde wondered.

'Yeah.' Puck replied nonchalant.

The blonde smiled and reached for the remote pausing the movie. 'Rachel and Santana said that we're soulmates.'

'We are.' Puck replied confidently.

She grinned. 'How are you so confident? You're always so sure about everything.'

'Because I'm fricken awesome, I thought you knew the by now.'

'I'm being serious.'

'So am I?' Puck teased before turning serious. 'The only thing I've ever been really confident about is us. You and me. It's like we were written in the stars or something.'

'You always know what to say.' She smiled settling into his arms once again.

'No I don't. You only think that because you're in love with me.' Puck said sing-songy.

'You are such an asshole.' The blonde giggled.

'And your a bitch.' Puck teased. 'We're a match made in heaven.'

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