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Finn and Rachel's engagement party soon came around. It was being held at a hotel in New York. Quinn, Rachel and Santana were in a hotel room getting ready for the party. Quinn was laying on the bed watching the two girls getting ready.

'I'm not in the mood to party, I can't drink and I'm going to look like a whale.'

'Please, you can't even tell that your pregnant.' Santana said. 'Besides your bad attitude.'

'Shut up.'

'Get dressed.'

Quinn rolled her eyes but headed to the bathroom get dressed. She wore a light pink knee length dress with white flats.

'Let's go.'

The trio made their way to the hall and the blondes eyes immediately scanned for Puck. She finally spotted him by the bar but jealousy overwhelmed her when she saw him standing with a blonde.

'Her name is Lauren. She's in the ensemble. I wouldn't have invited if the whole cast wasn't invited. She tried it on with Finn once.' Rachel explained to her seeing her worry.

'Great.' The blonde said swilling the lump that formed in her throat.

'Thought you didn't care what he did?' Santana sneered. 'Or have you developed feelings?'

'Shut up S.' She said quickly watching Puck approach them.


'Hi.' She smiled as every feeling of jealousy that had once consumed her being melted away as he held her hand.

'Come dance with me.' Puck lead her to the dance floor and the two began to dance together. 'You look gorgeous.'


'Yeah, you look perfect.'

Quinn smiled. 'I'm far from perfect. Look at me I got pregnant from a one night stand.'

'I think that worked out well for the both of us. I'm really glad that I met you.'


'Q. I need to tell you something.'

'Okay.' She said, looking him in the eyes.

'I'm falling for you.'

'I think you fell a long time ago.' She teased.

'True. I just wanted to tell you.'

'Well. I'm defiantly falling, tumbling. Whatever you wanna call it. It's happening.' She smiled. Puck smiled and captured her lips with his. The kiss was soft and passionate, unlike anything either of them had experienced in the past.

Puck was pulled away by Finn as all of the band members from high school were there and they were going to perform a few songs.

'Are you two together?' Santana asked coming up from behind the blonde on the dance floor.

'He just told me that he was falling in love with me.'

The Latina rolled her eyes. 'Congratulations you are officially the last to know.'


It was too perfect. Everything was. So in true bad luck fashion something has to come along and imperfect things. The night was winding down. She had spent the majority of the night with Santana and Brittany.

'Quinn. Don't turn around.' Brittany said. The blonde ignored her attempts and looked. Her world came crashing down. Puck was in the middle of the dance floor kissing Lauren. The girl she was worried about at the beginning of the party. Tears welled in her eyes and her vision soon came blurry. Her chest tightened and breathing was becoming difficult.

'I-I have to go.'

'Q wait.'

'Tell Rachel I'm sorry.' She choked out before running out of the hall as quickly as possible.

Her heart broke

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