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She got a taxi to the apartment. She hadn't stopped crying. She tried to think of the possibilities of why. Was it her? Why did he tell he felt the same way as she did if he didn't?

She opened the apartment and headed for her bedroom. She pulled out her suitcase and grabbed everything from dresser and shoved it in the case. She needed to be out of that apartment before Puck was home. She couldn't look at him because it would only further break her heart.

She heard the door opened and she inhaled a sharp breath. 'Quinn, are you here?'

She didn't say a word. She heard his footsteps make his way into her room. 'Q. What are you doing?'

She didn't say anything once more. She kept her focus on her case and not crying in front of him. She went to walk to get the remainder of her stuff but was stopped by Puck. 'What's going on?'

'Give it up Puck. I saw you kiss that girl.' She tried to say strongly but it failed and came out a a yelp.

'She came on to me.'

'Yeah right.' She scoffed. 'I thought you changed. I thought you were different.' She cried.

'I have changed. I am different.'

'You proved tonight that you weren't. Not even two hours after telling me that you love me you kiss some girl.'

'It wasn't like that Q.'

'I-I can't do this.' She said while zipping up her suitcase.

'Where are you going?'

'Anywhere but here.'


'Remember when we set out ground rules. We said that we weren't dating and we never will. I broke all of my rules for you and you ruined it.'


She swillowed the lump in her throat. 'Don't call me.' And with that she left the apartment.

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