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'We need ground rules.' Quinn said one day. It had been three days since she moved in and her and Puck had yet to really speak. Quinn always had Rachel over which worked to both of the girls advantages because Quinn didn't want to be alone with Puck and Rachel wanted Finn. It was a win win. Until Rachel had a audition, Finn was at work and Puck had the day off of work leaving the soon to be parents at home.

'Ground rules?' He asked leaning forward on the couch to look at her.

'Rules that we both know what page were on.'

'Okay.' He said slowly.

'We're doing this parenting thing together.' She began. 'It's a team effort.'

'Totally.' He replied.

'Alright, next. I don't care if you sleep around but please don't bring them here.' Quinn said. 'And use protection because I don't want to share my room with some other chick you knocked up.'

'Fine.' He sighed. 'Anything else?'

'We're not dating. Nor will we ever date.'

'Like I said before. Try to resist me babe.'

'I don't think will be a problem.' She sneered.

'That's what you said last time but you still wanted puckaurus.'

'You make me sick.'

'I love it when you talk dirty.' He teased. They had lived together for a few days but he already knew all of the ways to bring her gears. He loved fucking with her.

'I hate you.'

He hummed in amusement. 'Maybe. But your carrying my kid, that means something babe.' He said standing up from the couch and walking towards his bedroom.

'Don't call me babe.'

'Sure thing.' He said, before quickly adding. 'Babe.' The blonde rolled her eyes and picked up a pillow from the couch and threw it at him at full force.

'I have a doctors appointment tomorrow.' She called out.

'I'll be there.' He said sincerely.

Maybe things weren't so bad after all.

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