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Quinn was at the bar serving drinks with Santana. It was a  busy night with the usual customers.

'Hey girls.' Rachel said to the duo.

'It's your day off, why are you here?' Quinn asked while making a cocktail.

'I have a date.'

'With who? I hoped you pre warned him that your crazy.' Santana said.

'Shut up.' Rachel said. 'It's with Finn.'


'Yeah.' The brunette smiled. 'I think he said that Puck was coming to the bar tonight.'

'Great.' Quinn rolled her eyes.

'Speaking off, they're here.' The blonde looked to the entrance and saw the boys walking in.

'Hey babe.' Puck said at the sight of her.

'Not your babe.' She replied. 'The usual?' She asked picking up a beer bottle.

'You know me so well.'

'Remember you're not allowed to bring any girls home.'

'Yes.' He replied. 'Later.' He said leaning over the bar and placing a kiss onto Quinn's cheek and going to coast for a one night stand. She saw Puck walk straight to a short brunette. The blonde bit her lip and tried to distract herself by cleaning the top of the counter.

'You let him hook up with other people while your having his kid?' Santana asked eyeing up the pair infront of them.

'We're not dating but I told him that he can't bring them back to our house.'

'Your house?' Santana said easing an eyebrow.

'Don't read into it S.' She said. 'We're having a kid together. That's it.'

'That's it? Q, that's everything. Pregnancy hormones suck and you're defiantly gonna fall for him, so get that boy on a leash as soon as possible.'

'I will not fall for him.' She said looking up and searching the bar for Puck and seeing that he was gone.

'Really?' The Latina asked. 'Then why are you looking for him?' And with that she walked away.


The next morning Quinn woke up and grabbed her robe wrapping it around her form. She went into the living a saw Puck sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee. The blonde walked to the kitchen making her tea and leant against the counter of the kitchen.

'Fun night?'

'It was okay.' He said. 'I have a killer hangover.'

'That what you get for drinking your body weight in alcohol.' She teased.

'Stop shouting.' He groaned.

'Are you gonna see that girl again?' Quinn asked and regretted it as soon as the words came out of her mouth. She covered up the weirdness of the question by taking a sip of the tea and sitting next to him on the couch.

'No.' Puck said. 'I don't even remember her name.'

'She's sounds special.' The blonde teased, trying to ignore the weight that just lifted off her shoulder.

'Don't worry Q. You are still my favourite girl.' He said smiling at her, with his kind eyes and boyish charm and- No! She wasn't going to do this.

'You know it.' She replied with a wink.

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