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'You can't be serious.' Quinn heard Puck's voice say. She had just woken up and it had been two months since she moved in and only 7 months of pregnancy remained.

'What's wrong?' She asked walking out of her room and seeing Puck and Finn in the living room together.

'Tell her?'

'I'm going to ask Rachel to me marry me.'

Quinn's eyes went wide. 'Seriously?' She was shocked. She knew that Rachel and Finn were pretty serious but she didn't know that they were that committed to each other for the idea of marriage to entered his mind.

'You've known her for two months.' Puck said.

'You knew Quinn for two days before you slept with her.' Finn argued standing up from the couch.

Quinn bit her lip and sat next to Puck on the couch.

'That's different.' Puck argued.

Finn sighed. 'If you were in love with Quinn wouldn't you want to spend the rest of your life together?' The bite on Quinn's lips got tighter. She saw Puck nod out the corner of her eye. 'That's why I'm asking Rachel to marry me.'

'I think it's a great idea.' The blonde eventually said. 'She'll say yes. It was love at first sight for you two.'

'Thank Quinn.'

'Good luck bro.' Puck said.


'Do you want to get married?' Puck asked randomly. The were both on the couch with Quinn laying down and her legs on Puck. They were watching a random movie.

'Are you proposing?' Quinn teased.

'I'm being serious.'

'Something I didn't know you could be.' She teased once more before answer properly. 'I'm not sure. If I find the right person I guess. Why do you ask?'

'What if you meet some guy and fall in love and get married? Will I just be pushed to the side lines?'

She smiled shyly. She loved that he cared about the baby so much that he was worrying about it. 'Puck.' She said while sitting up. 'Our kid will only ever have one mom and one dad. You and me.'

'Are you sure?'

'Yes.' She smiled. 'Plus I think that you'd scare off any other guy by saying that you'd kill them if they'd hurt the baby.'

'Or you.' He added.

'What about you? What if you find a girl and want to marry her?'

'That wouldn't happen.' He said. 'You're my favourite girl, remember?'

'I remember. I don't think I'll ever forget you tell me that much.'

She knew the whole 'favourite girl' thing was a joke but she like to pretend that it was true.

'It's true.' He said. Just as something was about to happen Finn and Rachel came rushing into the house.

'She said Yes!' Finn Exclaimed.

'I said yes.' Rachel yelled. Quinn and Puck ran over to the pair and hugged them both, congratulating them on the engagements

'I think that this is a good time to ask you two to be our maid of honour and best man.'

'Seriously? Quinn asked.

'You're both of our bestfriends.' Finn said. 'We love you guys.'

'We're definitely be there.' Quinn smiled.

'And we want the wedding to be soon. So it's before Quinn explodes and there will be no chance of her giving birth on the day. So we set the date for April 17th.'

'That's three months away.'

'We want to be married.' Rachel smiled kissing Finn.

The four continues to watch the movie that was playing on the TV but none of them were paying attention. Quinn and Puck were sitting close to each other whispering to each other, while Finn and Rachel were watching them.

'When was the last time he had a one night stand?' Rachel whispered to Finn.

'I have no idea. He stayed in with Quinn for the past month.'

'Do you think he's-'

'He's definitely falling for her.' Finn replied knowing what the brunette wasn't going to say.

'She's falling for him.' Rachel added.

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