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'Happy birthday to Beth, Happy birthday to you.' The two parents sang to the daughter. It was Beth's fifth birthday. Quinn and Puck were still very much in love and that would never change. Puck proposed a month ago and they were planning the wedding.

Beth blew out the candles and the parents cheered. 'What'd you wish for B?'

'It's a secret.' The little blonde said putting her pointed finger on her lips and shushing.

'Okay well I have one more present.' Quinn said. Puck picked up the blonde and placed her on his lap. 'Well it's a surprise for both of you.'

'What is it?' Beth asked her dad.

'I-I don't know.' Puck shrugged. 'I guess we'll find out together.

Quinn came out of her room with a gift bag. 'Are there divorce appears in that bag?' Puck teased.

'We're not married.' She said furrowing her brow.

'Not yet.' He shot her a wink. She blushed. It was crazy how he could still make her giddy. Even after six years.

She handed the bag to Puck. 'Open it.'

He did as he was told and opened the bag. Inside he found five positive pregnancy tests and a sonogram picture. He pulled out the picture and showed Beth.

'Is mommy having another baby?' Beth asked Puck.

'I-I-' He looked between Beth and Quinn.

'I am.' Quinn smiled. 'I'm two months along.'


'Yes seriously.' She smiled. Puck stood up and hugged the blonde. They were both so happy.

Puck picked up Beth and held her in his arms. 'That was my birthday wish.'

'It was?'

'I wished for a baby brother or sister.'

'I'm hoping for a boy. There's too many chicks around.' Puck teased.

'You just want to make the baby a mini you. It'll be born with a Mohawk.' The blonde teased back.

'Have I ever told you how much I love you?'

'A few thousand times.' She smiled. 'You can always tell me again.'

'I love you Quinn Fabray.'

'I love you Noah Puckerman.' She replied.

'And we love you B.' Puck said.

'And your baby brother or sister.'

And that's wrap. I hope you enjoyed this story!

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