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Once they reached the hospital they were taken straight to have tests and ultrasounds done. Quinn was panicking. She could lose the baby. She thinks that if she looses the baby that she will die from the complete and utter heartbreak. She knew that Puck was panicking just as much as she was but stayed calm for her, she was so grateful for him, being there for her.

'What if we lose the baby?' She asked quietly as they were a waiting for the results.

'We won't.' He said. His words were simply yet made her feel better.

'How can you be so sure?' She asked.

'Because your you. The strongest person I've ever met.'

The blonde smiled and kissed his cheek. 'Can you lie with me?'

He nodded and later next o her on  the hospital bed. He put his arm around her pulling her close and she put her head on the chest.


The minuets felt like hours as they waiting for the results. Every minuet taking away an ounce of hope that they had for good news but neither of them let themselves think about it.

The doctor knocked on the door.

'Is it good or bad news?' Puck asked sitting up on the bed, helping Quinn do the same.

'It's good news. Ms Fabray you had what we call a threatened miscarriage. We're not sure what caused it but you and your baby girl are perfectly healthy.'

'It's a girl?' Quinn asked, grinning .

'Yes.' The doctor confirmed. 'We want to monitor you until the morning but you will be free to go in the afternoon.'

'Thank you so much Doc.' Puck said shaking his hand and the two were left ago. Neither of them could contain their excitement. Their baby was healthy and they were having a baby girl. Puck practically leapt on the bed and hugged the blonde.

'You're okay. The baby's okay.' He said grinning from ear to ear.

'I'm so happy that your here.' Quinn smiled putting her hand on his cheek.

'I'll always be here. No matter what.'

'I know.' She smiled. She wanted to kiss him so badly. She wanted to feel closer to him than she already did but their moment was interrupted once again.

'Quinn are you okay? Is the baby okay?' Rachel said rushing into the room with Finn.

'She's fine, the baby's fine and she's a girl.' Puck replied sitting next to Quinn again.

'Yeah. We're fine.'

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