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'Your mother is going to hate me.' Quinn said looking in the bedroom mirror, straightening out her dress and cardigan.

'No she won't and stop saying mother.'

She rolled her eyes. 'Can you blame me for being scared? My parents didn't take the news well.'

'Just be you amazing self.' He said holding her hands and kissing her on the forehead. The doorbell sounded. 'They're here.'

'Kill me now.' She said under her breath.

'Noah. It's good to see you.' Pucks mother greeted him.

'It's good to see you mom. Hey Sara.'

'Hey Noah, your hair is still awful.'

'Chicks dig it.'

'No they don't.' Quinn teased making her way out of her bedroom.

'You must be Quinn. You are far more gorgeous than Puck said. And your pregnancy is making you glow.' Pucks mother said.

'Thank you, Ms Puckerman. It's so nice to meet you.'

'Call me Ruth.'

'Dude she is way out of your league.' Sara said to Puck. 'You can do better.' The youngest Puckerman said to the blonde.

'Sara. I've heard so much about you. You clearly got all of the best genes.'

'I like you.' Sara smiled. 'I think we're gonna be friends.'

'Me too.'

The rest of the day was spent with  Puckerman's and they instantly made the blonde feel like she's part of the family especially since hers had basically shunned her.

The Puckerman women left to go to their hotel leaving Quinn and a Puck alone until Finn came home with Rachel and Santana.

'What are you guys doing here?' Quinn asked.

'Hand delivering Berry's engagement party invite.' Santana said handing the blonde an invite. It was addressed to both Puck and Quinn.

Engagement party
We invite you to the engagement of Rachel Berry and Finn Hudson.

'This will be great.' Puck said.

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