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It been three weeks since she slept with him. She hasn't seen him since and hadn't planned to.

'Q, Brit and I need to talk to you.' Santana yelled walking passed the blondes room. Quinn's head was spinning and nausea waved over her. She reluctantly got out of bed sitting on the couch.

'You look hot.' Brittany teased.

'Feeling hot.' The blonde said running her fingers through her hair. 'What did you need to talk to me about?'

'Brit and I want to move in together.' Santana said.

'You want me to move out?'

'Yeah. But you can stay here until you find a new place and this is only because we thinks it's going to be good for all of us.'

'O-Kay.' She said slowly. The two girls becoming blurry. What the hell was happening. 'I'll start looking now.' Quinn stood up and the room span. The blonde drained for her face she grabbed onto the counter to steady herself barely hearing Santana and Brittany ask her what's wrong. Suddenly her body collapsed, closely followed by darkness.


She blinked herself awake. She was in a white room connected to an IV drip. Her head wasn't spinning as much and she wasn't nauseous. She looked around the room and saw Santana sitting by her bed reading a magazine.

'Finally! You're awake.'

'Where am I? What happened?' She said sitting up putting her hand on her head.

'You are in hospital, you fainted.' The Latina explained. 'The doctor did some tests and they're coming back now.'

'Ms Fabray. I'm glad your awake, how are you feeling?'

'Great.' She said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. 'Can you tell me what's wrong? Am I dying?'

The doctor laughed. 'No. You're not dying. Quite the opposite actually.' He said. 'We took some blood tests and you fainted because you were dehydrated but we found something else. You are pregnant.'

Pregnant? No, no, no this was not happening. Her shut her eyes tightly trying to wake herself up from this nightmare. She was still in the room. 'That's impossible.'

'Have you had sex recently?' She nodded. 'Then it's possible.'

'We were safe.'

'I'm afraid condoms are only 99% protective.'

'Can you do another test?'

Two tests later they were both positive. She really was pregnant.


The hospital had released later that day and Quinn was back at home getting ready for work.

'Wanna talk about it?' Santana said appearing at the door.

'No. Thank you.'

'Who's the dad?' She asked. The blonde ignored her tying her hair up and letting out two strands from either side. 'Holy crap. It's Mohawks.'

'Yeah.' She replied lowly. She tied her apron around her waist looking at her stomach. There was a baby there. She weakly smiled. 'I'm still trying to find somewhere to stay.'

'Don't worry about it Q.' The Latina said. 'Come on. We have to get to work.'

Quinn nodded taking one last look in the mirror before picking up her bag. What had her life become?

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