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'We should double date.' Rachel said. The pair were sitting on Quinn's bed reading magazines.


'Finn and I, and you and Puck.'

'Puck and I aren't dating.'

'You practically are. You live together and you are having a baby together.' Rachel said.

'Yeah, but he's having sex with a new girl each night.'

'Someone's jealous.' Rachel teased.

'I am not.' Quinn denied. 'It's my baby hormones acting up.'

The brunette hummed in amusement. The pair heard the door open and close. 'Quinn I'm back.' Puck's voice called out. 'Finn and I bought pizza.'

'Looks like I'm getting that double date.' Rachel exclaimed excitedly before rubbing out of the room.

The blonde rolled her eyes and reluctantly got off of the bed. She wanted sleep but she knew that she's needed to eat.

'My baby mama!' He said walking towards her and placing a kiss on her cheek. 'I got you bacon pizza.'

'You know me so well.' She smiled. Grabbing her pizza box from the counter and sitting next to Puck at the table opposite Rachel.

The group ate while talking about their lives and getting to know each other more. The blonde learnt that Puck and Finn had been best friends since birth and that they were in a band together in high school, the blonde made a mental note to ask him to play something for her. Rachel happily opened up about Glee Club and their lives.

'I should get going. I have a callback for west side story tomorrow.'

'I'll walk you out.' Finn said practically jumping out his chair. Once Quinn and Puck were alone the blonde began to clean up but Puck stopped her.

'I'll do that. You're pregnant.'

'Barley.' She mumbled reluctantly letting him clean up. She followed him into the kitchen and lifted herself onto the counter as she watched him clean, keeping him company. 'Are you going out tonight?'

'Nah.' He replied. He walked towards the blonde of the counter and rested his hands on either side of her, dangerously close to her hips. 'Figured I'd stay here with my favourite girl.'

The blonde bit her lip and looked into his eyes. They were about to kiss. So close. If they had their moment a few seconds earlier they would have kissed and who knows what would have happened between them but...

'We kissed!' Finn exclaimed practically running into the kitchen. Before he fully entered the kitchen Puck took a step back from the blonde. 'I've never felt this way before.'

Quinn looked at her feet and bit her lip. She was so confused by what had happened.

'Congrats dude. If you and Berry get married you better give thanks to Quinn and I.' Puck said.

'Totally.' Finn nodded. 'Q, are you okay?'

'Yeah.' She smiled. 'Just feeling a bit nauseous.' She lied. 'Congrats Finn. Rachel's just a happy as you are, I promise. You two have found something really special.'


She was lying in bed. She wasn't even attempting to fall asleep. She heard a knock on the door and knew it was Puck. 'Come in.' She called out.

'Hey.' Puck said walking into the room. 'Rachel and Finn, huh?'

She said up on her bed. 'What do you really want Puck? I doubt you want to talk to me about our friends relationships.'

'Fine.' He said sitting on the edge of the bed. 'I wanna hang out with you. We never spend time together.'

'Because you sleep with a new girl every night.' She teased.

'I'm here now.' He said, he knew it wasn't much but he hoped that it was enough. 'I don't want our kid to grow up in a house where their parents barley know each other.'

She smiled. 'What do you wanna do?'

He smiled back at here and threw a selection of movies onto her bed for her to choose from. She eventually we on to choose the most romantic ones because they were her guilty pleasure.

'These movies are pointless. You know that the girl and the guy are going to get together at end.' Puck said at one point during the movie. The pair we laying next to each other, not quite touching but close enough to hold their breath if their hands accidentally brushed the others.

'How can you be so sure?' She asked inadvertently moving closer to him and he put his arm around
Her drawing her close to him.

'It's inevitable.' He said looking at her and automatically putting his attention back to the movie. The blonde looked up at him and smiled. 'Stop looking at me Fabray your missing the movie.'

'Right, Sorry.' She said lowly and looked back at the TV but definitely stole glances at him every so often. Eventually they fell asleep in each others arms.

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