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Quinn was waiting by the opening of the church preparing to walk down the aisle. Everything went back to normal. Rachel didn't expect a thing because Santana kept her busy by making her redo her hair six times. The blonde was fiddling with the flowers absent mindedly my while whispering to herself. 'He loves me, he loves me not.' With every pick of the flowers.

'He loves me, he loves me not, he-' She said quietly.

'Hey.' A voice said from behind her making her jump. She turned around and saw Puck standing there. His hands were shoved into his pockets.

'How long have you been standing there?'

'Not long.' He replied with a shrug. 'They're about to start.'

'Great.' She said through gritted teeth.

'Okay. Can all of the couples line up starting with the maid on honour and best man?'

The two stood with their arms linking as the doors opened at they saw Finn standing at the top of the aisle. The music began and just as they were about to start walking Puck picked off one of the flower petals and softly said.
'He loves you.' Quinn smiled shyly and let out of the breath she didn't know she was holding.


The ceremony went down perfectly, so did both of the best Man and Maid of honour speeches. The reception was in full swing with people drinking and dancing. Quinn was stood at the bar watching everyone. She wanted to stop this, the wallowing in self pity. She was drinking a mock tail like a twelve year old and wiping the finger around the rim of the glass when Santana approached her.


'Hi.' She said lowly.

'Puckerman wanted me to give this to you.' The Latina said handing her a folded napkin. 'Later.' And with that she was gone. The blonde furrowed her brow and she placed down her glass and opened the folded napkin.

Come to the roof.

She rolled her eyes at his attempts to be romantic. She should have stayed where she was and left him waiting but her feet moved at their own accord and she made her way to the elevator. She opened the door to the roof the hotel and was welcomed to the cold air of New York City night time. She spotted Puck sitting on the edge of building.

'You came!' He exclaimed. He sounded genuinely surprise.

'The napkin told me to.' She said. 'You're not gonna jump are you?' She asked cautiously.

'No.' He laughed. Standing and walking towards her. That's when she spotted the flower in his hand.

'Why am I here?'

'I needed to talk to you. Without you running away or someone distracting us. Just you and me.'

'You have five minutes.'

'She loves me.' He began picking off a flower petal. 'I miss you. Like crazy. This last month has been hell. Not seeing you or hearing your voice.'


'She loves me not.' He said silencing her, taking off another petal and let it carelessly fall to the floor. 'Before I met you. I was this stud, who slept with anything with a pulse and I was okay with that living the player lifestyle.'

'What does this have to do with anything?' She asked crossing her arms over her chest. Wondering what he was trying to say.

'She loves me.' He said once more picking off another petal. 'But then I met you and something clicked. You were in your uniform and looked smoking hot and I knew that you were special. So I talked to and screwed it up but I knew that I couldn't let you slip away. So I came back and somehow we just clicked. Or I thought that we did. She loves me not.'

She bit her lip as she watched him speak. 'I was there. I remember.'

'She loves me.' He related the action taking off another petal. Only two remained. 'And we started living together and it was perfect. Too perfect because perfect never lasts long for me. I fell in love with you. I don't remember when exactly but I know it happened and I fell hard.' He shifted his weight and took off another petal. 'She loves me not.' The petal fell to the floor 'I screwed up. That night when I told you I loved I thought that it would be perfect and romantic. Like you deserve. But I screwed it up. That girl was nothing. She made the move on me and I pushed her away but you saw the worse part of it and I wish I could change it, I wish that I had stuck by your side that night and made you feel the love you deserve to feel and not what you actually felt. I love you Quinn. So much. More than I have ever loved anything or anyone. I know that you don't feel same anymore. But I love you and I don't think that will ever change. I just wanted to tell you.'

Quinn looked between his face and the flower. She looked at the petal. She loves me. Two choices. Two options on what to do. Accept his apology and tell him that she loves him. Or not forgive him and run away. She placed her hand over his and leant into him and kissed him. The kiss was short but passionate. Once they broke she plucked off a petal.

'I love you.'

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