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She was having contractions the whole way back to her apartment. She pushed the thought to the back of her head and hoped that it would go away. It must have been Braxton hicks She wasn't ready to have this baby, not yet.

'Good luck Q.'

'I'll need it.' The blonde sighed opening the car door and getting out. She walked up the stairs to the apartment and she had another contraction. It hurt. She continued walking up the stairs and breathed through it. she finally reached her apartment.

'Hey.' She said once she opened the door. Puck was sitting on the couch with his guitar in his hand.


'I'm sorry.' The both blurted out at the same time.

'Sorry? What are you sorry for?' Puck asked.

'I over reacted. My baby hormones are driving me nuts.'

'I was out of of line. We're doing this relationship and taking it at your pace. I don't want to loose you.' He said walking towards her.

'You haven't lost me. You won't loose me.' She said taking his hand.

'You still love me, right?' He teased, thankful that they weren't arguing anymore.

'More than words could ever describe.' She cooed.

'Do you want to go out tonight?' Puck asked. 'I can see if Finn and Rachel wanna grab dinner with us.'

'Sure. Just let me get changed. I feel fat.' The blonde said walking past him. He grabbed her hands.

'You're not fat, you're pregnant. And you're gorgeous.'

She smiled weakly and kissed him quickly on the lips. Quinn was in her room looking for something to wear when it happened. She had another contraction but this one hurt so much more than the others, normally she could breathe through it and it would go unnoticed, but not this time. She clutched the side table to keep her stable and screamed in pain.

Puck came rushing into the room, having heard her screams. 'Are you okay? What's happening?'

She screamed again, having had another contraction.

'Baby, talk to me.'

'The baby's coming.'

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