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'What happened?' Finn asked rushing into the waiting room.

'I don't know.' Puck replied. 'She was scared and in pain and she was loosing blood and-'

'Oh god.' Rachel sighed sitting next to Puck.

'Is she okay?' Finn asked.

'They won't let me see her. I've been sitting here for hours.' Puck said. 'I can't loose her. If I did I don't know what I'd do.'

'It won't come to that Noah.' The brunette said. 'Quinn's strong. The doctors will save her and the baby.'

'Mr Puckerman.' A nurse said lowly. He felt like he couldn't breathe. His head was pounding. It had to be good news. 'Quinn is asking for you. She wants you to meet your daughter.'

'She's okay?' He asked. His voice was shaky from holding back tears.

'You've got yourself a fighter.' The nurse said answering his question.

The nurse lead him into the room the blonde was in. He walked in and a smile instantly spread across his face. There she was sitting on the bed with their baby girl in her arms.

He rushed over to the bed and kissed the blondes forehead. 'You scared me. I thought I was going to lose you.'

'I'm sorry that you missed it.' Quinn said lowly.

'Don't be sorry.' He said. 'I'm just glad that you're okay.' The two rested their foreheads on the others. 'I'm so proud of you.' The two shared a small kiss.

'Noah Puckerman, meet your daughter Bethany Puckerman.'

Puck looked at the little girl in the blondes arms.

'This doesn't feel real.' He said looking at the baby girl. '

'It's real.' The blonde teased. If you had told either of them a year ago that they would be completely in love and had just given birth to a beautiful baby girl, they would have never believe you. But it was real and it was perfect.

'Hey B. I'm your dad and shes you mom. You are going to be the luckiest little girl in the whole world.' He said, Beth cooed and smiled for the first time. 'We can do it right? This whole parenting thing?'

Quinn smiled. 'Of course, like you said. We are going to be badass parents.'

The new parents looked at each other. This was the whole world. The two of them and their baby girl. Nothing else mattered.

'I love you so much.' Puck said.

'I love you too.' Quinn replied. 'And we love you.' She told their baby.

'The nurse said that we can come in.' Rachel said opening the door.

'Come in and meet your goddaughter.' Puck said.

'She looks like you.' Finn said to Quinn.

'Really? I think she looks like Puck.' The blonde argued.

'She's a perfect mix.' Rachel said.

'She is perfect.' Puck said. 'Like her mom.'

Everything was perfect. Neither of them would change a thing.

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