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There was a knock on the door in the early morning the week after Valentine's Day. Puck was awake and getting ready for work and answered the door.

'We heard that Quinn Fabray lives here.' The people said as soon as Puck opened the door.

'Sorry. Can I ask who you are?'

'We're Judy and Russel Fabray.' The woman said. 'Her parents.'

'I'll get her for you. One moment.' He said closing the door. He instantly panicked because Quinn hadn't told her parents that she was pregnant and their relationship was still questionable.

'Quinn.' He said knocking on her door.

'I'm sleeping.' She called out. Puck rolled his eyes and opened her bedroom door.


'What do you want?' She sighed.

'You're parents are here.'

She shot up instantly. 'What? How? They don't know about the baby.'

'I know. Relax. They'll be glad, right?'

'You clearly haven't met my parents. They believe in no sex until marriage and last time I checked we're not married, or dating. They are gonna kill me and then you.'

'Hey.' He said placing his hands on her shoulders to stop her from panicking. 'It's gonna be fine.'

She took a deep breath and tried to calm down. 'Yeah. You're right.' She said even though she didn't believe her own words.

'Do you want me to stay? I can call work and tell them that I'm sick.'

'No.' She said. 'I'll be fine. Hopefully.'

'Are you sure?'

'Yes. Go answer the door, let them in and tell them that I'll be out in a minuet.'

'Okay.' Puck said. 'I'll see you later. Good luck.'

'I need it.' She sighed. Puck quickly kissed her briefly on the lips before walking out of her room. Which left her stunned for about two seconds before she realised a kiss was the least of her worries.


'Quinnie.' Judy Fabray said once the blonde walked out of the room. 'You look beautiful.'

'Thanks mom. It's good to see you.' Quinn had always liked her mom more than her dad. She was kind hearted and sympathetic while her father...

'Quinn.' Russel Fabray said. He was mean and cold.

'Hey dad.'

'Who was the man?' He asked once the trio had sat on the couch.

'He's my-my roommate.' She stuttered.

'What happened to Santana and Brittany?'

'They wanted to be a real couple.' Quinn quickly answered. 'I'm glad that you're here. But can I ask why?'

'We were at the grocery store and Leroy Berry congratulated us on becoming grandparents.' Russel said. And like that her world tumbled.


'Don't try to lie to us.' Her father said in his usual cold harsh tone.

Thankfully Judy took a nicer approach. 'Sweetie. Is it true?'

She didn't say a word. All she could do was nod. Judy sighed.

'Come on Judy. We're leaving.' Russel said standing up.

'Russel-' Judy began.

'She's made her choice.' He said cutting her off. 'I'm making ours.'

'Mom.' Quinn said lowly. She didn't want to cry. She didn't want their sympathy because crying meant weakness and vulnerability which she hated.

'I'll call you.' Judy said lowly so that her husband didn't hear.

'Please.' She begged as she watched her parents leave, slamming the door behind them.


'Quinn.' Puck called out once he got home. He knocked on her bedroom door and  heard faint sobs coming from inside. 'Q.'

'You can come in.' She said. Her voice was horse and weak like she had been crying for the last six hours. Which she had. Every time she tried to calm herself down she drowned in self pity.

'Didn't go well?'

'Nope.' She sighed sitting up and hugging a pillow over herself. 'My dad didn't take it well and I probably won't see him again but my mom has at least a shred on guilt and felt bad for my dads reaction.'

'Q-' He began sitting on the corner of her bed facing her.

'Just a warning, my dad is going to try ruin everything so he's probably getting someone to track down your mother to tell her about the news. So call her before she finds out elsewhere.'

'I called her this morning. She and my sister are flying in tomorrow. I figured that if you had tell your parents it's only fair that I tell mine. She took the news well and can't wait to meet you.'

'At least our kid will have at least one grandparent.'

'I'm sorry Q.'

'It's not your fault. Thank you for being here.'

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