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It's been a few days since the threatened miscarriage. Puck had been at her back and call. They hadn't spoken about the fact that they almost kissed and that their was definitely feelings between them. She was in her room putting her makeup on for her first day back at work when Puck appeared in the doorway leaning against the doors frame.

'Are you sure you ready to go back to work?'

'I'm fine. I promise.'

'Well, Finn wanted to spend time with Rachel tonight but she's working so here's going to the bar so I thought I'd join him.'

Her smile faded slightly. It had been so long since he'd gone out and been with a girl, she thought that he wanted to be with her. But he was going back to his old ways.

'That way I can take you home if you want to go home.'

'I'll be fine.' She said walking towards him. 'My shift starts in twenty minutes so I have to leave. I'll see you later.' She said placing a kiss on his cheek and leaving their apartment.


The night dripped by slowly. She just wanted to be at home watching a movie with Puck. Instead she was mixing cocktails.

'Hey, just checking in.' Puck said walking to the bar.

'I'm fine. My shift ends in two hours. You can leave if you want too.'


'Why? Is there a hot girl you've got your eye on?' She teased hoping his answer would be a firm No.

'Yeah.' He replied making her heart drop. 'She's right in front of me.' He smirked, Quinn smiled shyly. 'Later.'

'Hi sir what can I get you?' She asked a customer after Puck walked away.

'Hey beautiful how you doing tonight?' The man asked winking, making the girl cringe.

'What would you like sir?' She repeated. Sure she had guys flirt with her all the time. Hell , that was how she and Puck came to be but this guy was creepy.

'Come on, quit playing hard to get.'

'Actually she's in a relationship .' Rachel spoke up quickly, having seen the interaction and seeing that Quinn was insanely uncomfortable.

'He isn't here now, is he? He never has to know.' The man said

'I'm going on break.' The blonde told Rachel. She wasn't dealing with this dude.

'Woah, baby where you going?' The man asked walking to the exiting of the bar trapping her inside.


At the table Finn and Puck were talking about the wedding and the baby. Finn was the one who could see the bar and saw the interaction between the the pair. He could see how uncomfortable the blonde was and told Puck. He turned around to see what was going on, his blood boiled. He was about to stand up when Finn pushed him back

'Let's see how it goes.'

They watched as the blonde tried to leave but the man trapped her inside and pulled her in by the waist. Puck could see how uncomfortable and scared Quinn was. He and Finn jumped up to confront the guy.

'Is everything okay here?' Finn asked.

'I suggest you remove your hands from her, now.'  Puck said harshly

'Which one of you is her boyfriend then?' The man asked still holding Quinn's waist.

'I am now move you hands off my girlfriend...Now!' Puck bit

'Fine.' The man said letting go of her. Puck took a hold of her hand and checked that she was okay and asked her if she wanted to go home. She nodded. They turned around to walk back to the table.

The man spoke once more 'She's probably a slut anyway' that's it that comment made Puck flip. He let go of Quinn's hand and walked back towards the guy.

'What did you say?' He asked angrily

'Puck, calm down.' Quinn called out.

'You heard you skank.' The man said pointing at Quinn.

'Dude leave it.' Finn begged

Puck was about to leave the situation and take Quinn home but the guy punched him in the face. He wanted to fight back but security pulled the man away and banned him from the bar as they had a strict rule on both violence and harassing staff.

'Take him outside and clean him up. I'll cover you.' Santana said.

Quinn looked up and Puck and saw that his lips was bleeding, she took a hold of his hand and took him outside after she grabbed the first aid kit. She sat him down on a step and began to clean his lip.

They were mostly silent besides Pucks groans as she wiped an antiseptic wipe over his cut.

'Thank you.' She said breaking the silence.

'That guy is lucky that security guards took him out before I made him leave in a body bag.'

She laughed. 'It means a lot to me that you stepped in. No ones ever done that for me before.'

'I've told you that I'd do anything for you.'

'I know.' She said shyly. 'You're gonna be a good dad. You'd do anything to keep the people you care about safe.'

'You're gonna be a good mom. You're so kind hearted and you're good at the motherly stuff.' He said back.

'Done.' She said. His lip had stopped bleeding. 'Thank you again.'

'Don't worry about it.' He smirked looking at her in the eye. 'I really do care about you Q.'

Time stopped when they looked at each other, the rest of the world faded away and it was just them, together. In the moment. This was it, no interruptions. Just them. He learnt into her and kissed her. Finally.

'What about your lip?'

'Screw it.' He said kissing her again.

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