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The day started out normal, everything was fine. Until it wasn't.

Quinn and Puck were at the mall. He had the day off and was insistent to spend more time with each other. Quinn couldn't remember the last time Puck had spent the night with a girl. He was always around and they had been become really close.

It was when they were in the baby store looking for a car seat and other essentials when it first happened. She experienced a pain across her stomach. She put her hand over her stomach and inhale a sharp breath.

'You okay?' Puck asked holding the hand that wasn't placed protectivly on her stomach.

'Fine.' She didn't know what was happening because the pain was now gone. 'I like this one.' She said pulling him to look at a car seat, never letting go of his hand.


They were back at home and Quinn felt fine. They were in the living watching tv talking about random things like the usually did. They both loved how close they were to each other now. She experienced another one of the pains but let it pass because she didn't want to worry Puck or Herself and she was sure it was normal.


She woke up in the middle of the night in agony. A sharp knife-like pain shot through her body. Her abdomen felt like she was being shot. Tears were soon streaming down her face.

'PUCK!' She shouted in agonising pain. 'Help me.' She yelped as tears continued to steam down her face. The pair was unbearable.

Puck ran into the room in a panic. 'Quinn what's wrong?'

'S-Something's wrong.' She sobbed. She lifted her blanketoff of her and saw a pool of blood. The tears flowed harder. She knew what this meant.

His eyes went wind. Something was her very wrong and he wanted to panic and cry with her but he knew that he could and needed to stay calm to help her. 'We need to get you to the hospital.' He eventually said.

'Puck I'm scared.'

'I'm going to call an ambulance.' He reaches into his sweatpants pocket and pulled out his phone, dialling 911. 'Hi, I need a ambulance. I think my girlfriend is having a miscarriage.' His words only made the blonde sob more.

'It's going to be okay.' He said cradling her and letting her breakdown in his arms. 'I promise.'

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