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It was move in day. Puck had bought his truck to the blondes old apartment and bought all of her stuff down to the car on his own because 'she's pregnant and shouldn't do any heavy lifting.' Quinn tried to protest but it was no use. That was when she learnt  how stubborn he was.

'Nice place.' She said once they walked into the apartment. It was a good size, had three bedrooms and the kitchen and living room were connected.

'You've been here before.' He said throwing his keys on the side.

She hummed. Yeah she had been there before but it was dark and they were way to focused on each other and the quickest way to get to his bedroom to care about the apartment. 'Are you okay to unpack the rest? I have to get to work.'

'I'll be fine. Go.'


Once Quinn was finished unpacking and placing all of her stuff neatly in it new place she decided to take a walk around the apartment. She looked into Pucks room, remembering that night. The way they stumbled towards the bedroom. Tossing their clothes off as soon as possible, leaving them forgotten on the floor. She remembered the moans that filled the room. The blonde bit her lip trying to rid the thoughts.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't hear the front door open and close. She turned around and saw a tall man standing in her apartments her immediate thoughts were that this guy was going to mug them so she grabbed the nearest object to her and started hitting him with it.

'What the hell?' The man said holding his hands up in defeat.

'I'll call the cops.'

'Wow, okay. Crazy lady.' He said earning a harder hit from the girl. 'I'm Finn. I live here.'

She put down the object realising that it was a hair brush. 'Prove it. Put your key in the door.' He did and she relaxed.

'Hey I know you. You're work at that bar on 7th street. The one the Puck was trying to get with. I see he finally found you. He would not stop speaking about you.' Finn said.

'Yeah.' She said lowly. 'I'm Quinn Fabray.'

'Finn Hudson.' He said shaking her hand. 'So are you and Puck dating?'

'Hell no.' She blurted out. 'He didn't tell you our situation did he?'


'I'm pregnant. I live here now.'

'Oh.' Finn said visibly shocked.

'If me living here is a problem I can find somewhere else.'

He stopped her. 'No. It's fine. If you living here makes Puckerman see the consequences of his actions. You are so welcome here.'

'Thanks.' She smiled.


Puck was now home in his bedroom. Quinn was sitting on the couch flicking through a magazine when there was a knock on the door. The blonde stood up and opened the door seeing Rachel.

'Hey girl.' The brunette smiled. 'How's the new place?'

'It's fine.'

'And how's your new boy toy?'

The blonde rolled her eyes. His presents still annoyed her.

'Blondie who's at the door?' Puck asked coming out of his bedroom.

'You're kid is going to be cute.' Rachel whispered to Quinn. She then turned to Puck. 'I'm Rachel.'

'Puck.' He nodded.

Finn then came out of the room 'Who's at the door-' he stopped at the sight of Rachel.

'Hi I'm Rachel.' The brunette said eagerly.

'Finn Hudson.' He smiled back.

Quinn and Puck exchanged a look. This wasn't going to be good. There was an instant connection between their respective best friends.

5 minuets later, they don't even know how it started but they're standing in the living room, three feet away from each other screaming. They didn't even know what they were arguing about but they were relentlessly shouting.

'You are such an asshole.' Quinn shouted.

'And your a bitch.' He yelled back.

Rachel wanderer to Finns side. He spoke. 'How long do you think it'll be before they fall for eachother.'

'Two hundred bucks, I say six months.'

'Double or nothing. I say three.' The two shook hands as they continued to watch the not so happy couple at each others throats.

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