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'What about Jackie?' Puck offered. Everything went back to normal. They were living together (still in separate rooms). They were official dating now and everything was going well.

'Hell no.' Quinn replied. They had been trying to figure out baby names for the past two weeks and nothing came off it. So the blonde bought a baby naming book.

'The name isn't that bad.' Puck replied.

'I'm not naming my daughter after Jack Daniels.'

'How did you-'

'You're predicable.' She shrugged returning her eyes back to the book.

'These names suck.' Puck said looking over her shoulder at the book.

'You suck.' The blonde teased.

'Hey.' Puck said putting his hand on his chest pretending to be hurt. 'When are Finn and Rachel back?'

'Tomorrow night.' Quinn replied. 'They don't know that were back together.'

'Wait we're together?' Puck asked earning a elbow to the ribs from the blonde. He really did love fucking with her.


Puck was in his room playing the guitar. He did it when he needed to clear his head.

'What are you thinking about?' Quinn asked standing at the doorway.

'Everything.' He replied. 

'Like?' She asked wondering deeper into the room and eventually sitting next to him on the edge of the bed.

'Being a parent.' He sighed putting his guitar on the floor. 'What if I'm like my dad?'

The blonde had gathered that Puck didn't have the best relationship with his dad. One day when Sara and Ruth we're visiting a few months ago she bring up the subject when she was alone with his mother and she told her everything.

'You won't be.' She said.

'How do you know?'

'Because I love you.' She smiled.

He looked up at her and lowly replied. 'I love you too.' He picked up his guitar again. 'On the bright side I think I found a name.'

'If you sing about Jack Daniels I will-'

'It's not. I promise.' He laughed. 'Just listen.'

He proceeded to play the song Beth by Kiss. Quinn's eyes welled with tears and by the end of the song tears were steaming down her face.

'Why are you crying? You hate it don't you?'

'N-No.' she stuttered out wiping her tears. 'I love it.'

'You do?'

'I think we found our name.'

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