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'I can't believe you asked the doctor that. He look mortified.' Quinn said through gritted teeth. They had just finished they're final check up.

'What?' Puck asked with a laugh.

'You asked him if we could have sex.' She exclaimed. 'I told you I'm not sleeping with you.' She said walking ahead of him and not looking back.

'Alright, Alright.' Puck said catching up with her. 'I'm sorry.' He grabbed her hand and pulled her back gently. 'I just love you.'

'Not gonna work Puckerman.' She sighed. She was extremely irritable. The littlest things sent her down a spiral. Puck was mostly the cause of her annoyance. 'You can't just tell me you love and expect everything to be okay.'

'Right.' He nodded slowly. He was out of his league. He had no idea how to go through the high and lows of relationships. Quinn was his first proper girlfriend.

'I'm going to Santana's house.'

'Can we talk about this Q?' He asked.

'Bye.' She said and walked away.


'What are you doing here?' Santana asked opening the door to Quinn.

'Puck is driving me insane.' She sighed. 'Can I hang here for a few hours?'

'Fine. Just don't go into labour.' The Latina teased.

'She's not due for a month, you'll be alright.' The blonde rolled her eyes. The two girl went into the apartment and Quinn laid on the couch.

'A month ago you and Puckerman were all loved up. What's changed?'

'Baby hormones.' She replied. 'They're making me insane. Every little think Puck does annoys me. He even asked the doctor if we can have sex.'

'So?' Santana asked. 'He's a dude. All they think about it sex.'

'I over reacted didn't I?'

She nodded 'You definitely did.'

'I-I have to go.' Quinn said standing up in a hurry. A sharp pain went up through her stomach. The blonde inhaled a sharp breath and breathed through it.

'Are you okay? Did you just have a contraction?'

'I-I'm Fine.' She shook her head. 'Can you drive me home?'


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