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'My water just broke.'

'We need to go to the hospital.' Puck said in a panic. He rubbed circles of the blondes back.

'No. No, we can't. She's not due for a month.'

'I know.' He said comfortingly. 'It happened sometimes. She'll be fine, you'll be fine.'

'I'm scared.' She sobbed out hugging him.

'I know, me too.' He said softly. 'We really need to go.'

The blonde took a deep breath. 'Okay.'

'I love you.'

'I love you.' She repeated.


'My girlfriend is about to give birth. Her water broke twenty minuets ago.' Puck said helping keep the blonde steady.

'Okay.' The nurse said. A few other nurses helped by getting the blonde a wheelchair. 'Right this way.'

Puck followed the blonde into a room. The blonde got into hospital gown. 'I can't have this baby. Not now.' She said to Puck.

'We're going to badass parents.'

'I wish I had your confidence.' She replied. 'Have you called your mom and Sara?'

'I'll call them afterwards.' He said. 'All that matters now is you and Beth.'

She nodded letting a tear escape.

'Mrs Fabray. We are going to see how many centimetres you have dilated. When have dilated ten centimetres you will be ready to give birth.' The doctor said. She let the doctor do what they said and kept her eyes on Puck as he tried to distract her.

'Ten centimetres. You're ready.'


Everything was going fine. Quinn was in the delivery room about to give birth. She was in so much pain, it didn't feel right. She knew that giving birth was meant to hurt but it felt like she was going to die.

She screamed loudly. 'It hurts.'

'I know baby, but you'll be okay.'

'No!' She groaned in agony.

The machines that were monitoring everything started beeping loudly. Something was wrong.

'Puck I'm scared.' She groaned.

'Get him out of here.' The doctor said to a nurse.

'What? No.' He refused.

'Your girlfriend is loosing at lot of blood and the baby is in distress. We have to help them or we could loose them.'

'No.' Puck denied. This wasn't happen. This couldn't be happening. 'Save them please.' He yelled as he was pushed out of the room.

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