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It's two nights later. The same scene. Quinn desperately wanting to go home and Santana not doing any work. 'Hey Q. Isn't that the guy you were talking too the other night.' She whipped around and saw Mohawk. Damn she still didn't know his name. He spotted her and made a b-line for her. She mentally prepared herself for the interaction. 'Quinn!'

'I don't know your name.' She said.


She ignored the fact that his name was stupid. 'What can I get for you? And don't say me, because I'm pretty sure we established how that would go.'

'A beer.' He said. 'But don't worry babe. I still want you.' He said with a wink as she handed him the drink. 'Let me know when you want me.'


Her shift was winding down and the few people that were still there were finishing their drinks. The blonde was closing up that night so she was waiting behind the bar for them to leave.

'You're still here? I thought you'd have left with a hot blonde by now.' She asked Puck who was walking towards her.

'You are the only hot blonde I wanna leave with.'

'Get some new lines.' She said. She stood up at straight. 'Five minuets people.'

'You intrigue me.'

'How?' She asked.

'You're the first girl to regret me.' He said. 'You're feisty and stunning.'

'I'm liking these new lines.' She said. 'Tell me more.' She leant against the bar. They were close now. Mere inches away from each other.

'Why don't I show you?' He said lowly. The blonde new this was a pick up line. But at this point she didn't care. He pushed a stray bit of her hair behind her ear. He leant into her and kissed her. She kissed back. After a few moments she pulled away. 'I have to close.'

'Everyone out.' Puck yelled. Soon enough everyone was out of the bar and Quinn was locking the door behind her still recovering from the kiss. One the keys were in her bag an arm pulled her around and pressed her against the wall. Puck smirked at her, feeling bold she connected their lips. 'Your place or mine?.' She asked between kisses.

'Mines a five minute drive.' He replied.

Quinn grinned and kissed him once more. 'Let's go.'

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