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Valentine's Day came around quickly. Quinn hated Valentine's Day and so did Puck so it was a bad time for  the couple. Well, they weren't a couple. Sure they spent every single night together (still in separate rooms) and as far as she was aware he stopped sleeping around. Unless he was getting his daily sexual release while he claimed that he was at work. Safe to say she never let her mind wandered to that place too often.

'Happy Valentine's Day Babe.' Puck said when he saw her that morning.

'I told you not to say that to me.' She groaned, walking to the couch and laying on it.

'Well we're going to have a valentines doing whatever my baby mama wants.'

'That's sweet.' She grinned and he moved her legs to sit on the couch and put her legs on his lap.

'What can I say babe? I'm a romantic, I know every pick up line in the book.'

'That's doesn't make you a romantic. It makes you a man whore.' She teased.

'Hey.' He said clutching his heart, pretending her words hurt. 'What do you wanna do?'

'Watch Rom Coms.' She said and could practically hear his eye roll.

'Fine.' He said standing up and looking through his DVD collection.

'Where's Finn?'

'He and Rachel are spending the day together and planning the wedding.' He replied.

'You can go out. I'm sure you'd rather be having sex with a supermodel fit girl than watching movies with a whale.'

'I've told you a million times. You're my favourite girl. We're watching Titanic.' He said putting in the DVD and sitting next to her. 'And by the way. You're gorgeous.'

She rolled her eyes because she can't take compliments well. 'Not as gorgeous as you.' She returned. 'I'm making popcorn.'


After watching movies they decided to bake because Quinn was having another pregnancy craving. Quinn starts by measuring all of the ingredients and slapping away Pucks hands so he doesn't ruin it.

'Paws off Puckerman.'

'Or what?' He argues.

'You are such an egg head.' She said facing him. Slowly reaching for an egg that was placed perfectly on the counter and cracking it on his head.

It obviously turned into a food fight with sugar and flour flying all over the kitchen. 'Okay I surrender.' The blonde laughed holding her hands up in defence. Puck laughed putting down the flour he was about to throw and her and holding her hands pulling her in close to him. The two looked at eachother for a long time. Both of their eyes flickering. From the others eyes to their lips. Both wanting it but neither feeling bold enough to make the next move. Until Quinn through caution to the wind and kissed him.

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