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She was an hour into her shift. She managed to forgot about the baby. The baby daddy and everything that wasn't about her serving customers and pouring drinks. That was until...

'Q, don't look now but Mohawk just arrived.' Santana said nodding towards the door. Quinn ignored the Latina and looked in Puck direction. He went to his usual spot and started to check out that nights one night stand. Her blood boiled. She didn't know why she was angry, seeing him made her realise what was happening to her and how furious she was at her life. She watched as a red head started to approach him. That was it.

'One second sir.' She told her customer. 'Santana cover for me.' She demanded.

'Quinn! What are doing?' The Latina said in a panic. Following her. She walked over to Puck with her hands on her hips. Her feet moving at there own accord. What the hell was she doing? Before she knew it her hand was colliding with his face. Safe enough to say that the red head soon disappeared.

'What the hell Quinn?' Puck asked.

'Hey, if I were you I'd take this outside so you don't get fired.' The Latina said walking away.

'Outside now Puckerman!'

The two stood outside. Quinn didn't know what to say. She eventually found the words. 'I swear my life has gone to shit ever since I met you. I might lose my job and I'm getting kicked out of my apartment.'

'And what does this have to do with me?' He said, clearing growing frustrated.

'You are a curse on my life!'

'Don't be so damn dramatic.' Puck said.

'Don't be dramatic? Boy, if you knew the half of it.'

'Curses and bad luck don't exists.' He said.

'Really? How about this, I'm pregnant and you're the father.' She blurted out before she had realised what she said. At least it was out in the open. The blood drained from his usually tanned skin and his jaw dropped. 'So yeah, I'd say bad luck does exist.'

'Fuck.' He cursed. 'I don't know what to say. Are you sure it's mine?'

She scoffed. 'Yes I'm sure. I don't sleep around like you do, hell I should be glad I got pregnant and not a million std's.'

'Hey!' He gasped.

'Well I thought you should know.' She said walking back inside.

'Quinn Wait.' He said. 'I wanna be there to help you.'

She smiled weakly and then an idea popped into her head. Maybe this could kill two birds with one stone. She needed someone to be there with her and she needed a place to stay.

'You wanna help?' She asked, he nodded. 'I need somewhere to live.'

'Move in with me.'


'Yeah. You can sleep in the guest room.'

'Fine.' She sighed. 'This doesn't mean anything. We're not dating or anything.'

'I wouldn't dream of it babe.' He smirked. Quinn already hating the nickname.

'I'm not sleeping with you again either.'

'Babe, just try and resist me.'

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