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Third Person's POV


"I don't feel sleepy anymore" She said, as she was rolling around on the bed. Hyungwon was eyeing her from his reflection in the mirror.

"Then, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know. What do you usually do?"

"Sleep" He answered, making her chuckle.

"I like to sleep too. But what do you do when you don't sleep?"

"I like to read books. Watch movies" Hyungwon replied.

"Books? Can I read some of yours?" She asked. He nodded, before he gestured her to follow him. She followed him from the back and she watched him entering his closet. As they passed all his clothes, she noticed that there was another door somewhat hidden at the back. She never knew his closet was so big, as he opened the back door and entered, she followed. She was amazed when she saw a study, which had two book shelves and a working desk in it.

"Wow" She was amazed, as she look around. She noticed that most of the books look antique.

"May I?" She asked, as she wanted to grab one book. He nodded and she slowly slip the book out, she noticed it was an old romance storybook. She glanced to see the year published of the book.

"1890's?!" She was seriously amazed.

"Please handle with care. I can't find any other copy of that book" Hyungwon said, before he went to take a seat at his desk. She nodded and took a seat in front of him. She look at what he was doing and saw him going through papers.

"What is that?" She asked, looking at the papers.

"My work" He simply said.

"Hmm" She didn't question him further and started reading the book. Hyungwon watched her as she was so focused on reading the book, oblivious to him staring. Hyungwon broke out of his trance after he realized how long he was staring. He cleared his throat, grabbing her attention.

"Why don't you read out loud? Entertain me" She look at him, questioningly.

"Really?" She asked, which he nodded to.

"Don't laugh at me if my pronunciation isn't right"

"I won't" He said. She flipped through the first page and started reading aloud. As she was nervous to read to him, she stammered and stuttered once in a while. But he acted indifferent, focusing on his work while she reads. He find her voice soothing and soon her reading became more clearer and she stopped stuttering.

"After the banquet ended, and the guests slowly faded, it seems like Lord Lefebvre was the only guest left. With Lady Paquét's warm company, leaving an embedded desire in Lord Lefebvre's mind was permanent. Like her family name Paquét, gatherer of firewood, she surely left the fire of passion and love in him burning still, after so long it seems. Lord Lefebvre was truly enchanted by her and her, him. It would be a false impression to say that he would not want to make her his" She cleared her throat for a while, before she flipped to the next page. Hyungwon can't help but feel nostalgic, seeing Valarie's face shifting to another, and he felt a tug at his heart, remembering the face of the one he longed for.

"With a kiss on the top of her knuckles, he left for the night. Longing filled their hearts and she was crestfallen of hoping for something more. Though she knows it was inappropriate, but for him, inappropriateness seems to be trivial. But greedy she wouldn't be. Like her mother always told her, don't show too much interest, patience and faith will guide you to a man's heart. And with that, she will wait, with faith, for the one named Lord Lefebvre. He made a promise that night, right before he give in to his slumber. He promised to himself, to become greater in the political and business area to attain her heart, without knowing in his mind, her heart was already attained by him" She slowly close the book and look up at him. She felt her breathing was hitched, seeing his eyes that were glued on her. The way he looked at her, for a moment there, it seems like he truly loved her.

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