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Third Person's POV


"How is the job hunting going?" Valarie asked her father, taking a seat next to him.

"Uhm... not so good. They don't exactly want an old man doing the job"

"Please. You're anything but old" Valarie stated, making her father to force a smile.

"Papa, you know you can lie in your resume"

"I wouldn't wanna do that. Honesty is the best policy" Her father replied. She softly smiled at that. That's the main reason she loved her father, his honesty and his good heart. But through his honesty and his good heart, the council clearly took advantage of her father. Even though he worked so hard, the council trampled all over him. And as soon as the 'X' clan took over, they simply laid him off, even after all his hard work, he earned nothing.

"Val..." Her father softly called. Her eyes darted towards her father, questioningly.

"How are you and Mr. Chae?" Her father asked.

"We're okay"

"Are you happy with him?" Her father asked.

"I am" She replied, truthfully.

"Look, Val... I just want to say sorry for how I acted when you first met Mr. Chae. I pushed you to him, I forced you to get closer to him, without thinking of your feelings. I'm truly sorry"

"No worries, papa. I'm happy that you push me to get closer to him. He is a nice man" Valarie stated.

"I'm glad we could come to an agreement" Her father felt relieved to hear her confession.

"But, if there's anything bothering you, don't hesitate to come and talk to me" Her father patted her shoulder.

"Thank you, papa" She smiled at him.


"Hey, princess" Rae greeted her, as she saw Valarie entering her apartment.

"Hey, Juliette" Val teased her.

"Ugh! Not you too" Rae pulled a face.

"What is it that you wanted to tell me?" Val asked, heading towards Rae.

"I wanted to show you this" Rae turned her canvas and Valarie's jaw dropped.

"Wow" Valarie stated. Rae sighed in awe, looking at her own drawing.

"I love seeing people's reactions. I thought I wanted to give this to him as a gift for his upcoming birthday"

"I'm sure he would love it" Valarie look at Rae's expression and see her eyeing the artwork admiringly.

"I can't tell wether you love your artwork, or you love the man in the artwork" Rae's eyes snapped to Valarie, then she pointed a finger to Valarie.

"Stop whatever you are thinking right now, and bury that thought. I don't want you to even think about that"

"You know he's a cute guy"

"There's nothing cute about that guy" Rae replied.

"Hola, senoritas! Talking about me?" Their moment was suddenly cut by Francis' entrance.

"Oh, god" Rae groaned under her breath, quickly covering up the canvas.

"Francis, how are you?" Valarie asked.

Pretty-Faced Monster (Monsta X Fanfic) Book #3 Monster SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now