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Third Person's POV


Turns out he didn't want to talk. He stopped somewhere in a stranded area, at a beach. Where exactly? She doesn't know. They ended up having sex. She has to admit, he was aggressive and his actions were more forceful than to her liking, it somehow felt wrong, but nonetheless, she enjoyed it, because it's with him. She run her fingers at the area where his fangs pierced her skin and she winced at the pain, but decided to drop it.

"To be honest, I don't ever want this to end" Valarie stated, as they both were too quiet and she didn't like awkward silences.

"But I can't wait to get rid of you" She felt a pang in her chest. What? What did he just say? Did she hear him right? She had a pause for a brief moment, before she turned to look at him.

"Why do you hate me so much?" She asked, feeling like she was about to burst into a fit of emotions. Hyungwon replied with silence, not exactly wanting to answer her.

"I'll send you back home" Hyungwon said, starting to change the gear and slowly driving.

"No! I deserve an explanation!" Valarie retaliated, gripping his hand that was on the gear and wanting to change it to park.

"Are you crazy?! What the f**k are you doing?!" Hyungwon pushed her hands away and he halted to a stop.

"How could you do this to me?!" Valarie cried, looking back at his angry eyes.

"You know this was gonna happen sooner, or later. Yet you still insisted on me being your boyfriend" Hyungwon calmly said.

"Do you not even have an ounce of feeling for me?" She asked. Hyungwon look away from meeting her gaze and glared at the front. She fell silent, already knowing the answer.


Valarie cried silently in her room, feeling her heart aching like crazy. It just won't stop aching! She was just glaring down at her phone. Countless! Countless times have she contacted Hyungwon, but there was no answer or reply. She look at all her unread texts and started to read over her text. How desperate she sounded? She didn't know how she was affected deeply by him. She thought back to when he was nice to her. The way he treated her, she likes it. The way he touched her, she loved it. The way he loved her, she yearned it. Even though all of that wasn't real.

"Why can't you just accept me? Do I not deserve your love?" She cried, hugging her knees to her chest.

"You're such a cruel monster. A pretty one at that" It felt as if her heart was being pinched at and the lump at her throat just won't die down. This feeling. She never felt like this before. She did felt it once a long time ago, but it was buried deep down and it wasn't as painful as this one. She picked up her phone one more time, before she started to type in her message. She clicked the send button, before she waited for the person to reply, though she doubt it.

'U were right. I should have listen to u' Raeven read the text and a worried feeling overcome her for Valarie. Why the sudden text? Rae instantly called Valarie. Valarie seeing Rae's name as the caller ID instantly answered the call.

"Rae!!" Valarie sobbed.

"You were right about him!" She added.

"Calm down, Val. Where are you? Let's meet up, okay?" Raeven asked.

"I'm at home" Valarie said, her voice cracking.

"Okay. I'm coming"


"They never did like me, did they?" Valarie asked.

"I do not understand the circle you guys are in. But nothing is different about us, we are all humans!" Rae stated, grabbing the bottle of beer. Valarie glanced at Rae's back, just remembering that Rae does not know who they truly are.

"How is it possible that a guy like him could affect me this much?" Valarie stared at her fingers, picking at her cuticles.

"Is he big?" Rae asked.

"Well, he's long and quite veiny-" Valarie instantly shut her mouth, the blood creeping up her neck.

"I mean..." Valarie laughed nervously, and Rae just pursed her lips, suppressing the chuckle at how naive Valarie is.

"Size doesn't matter to my issue here!" Valarie narrowed her eyes on Rae.

"But I still hate how my feelings are hurt" Valarie turned serious at the thought.

"He's your first. That's it. Trust me, the feelings will be gone soon. Here" Rae passed her a bottle of beer and Valarie instantly chugged down the drink, not even caring how much it burned her throat.

"I feel lost, Rae. I feel like everything is pointless and empty now" Valarie took another gulp of the alcohol.

"Been there"

"I felt like I got slapped multiple times"

"Tell me about it" Rae nodded.

"How did it become like this, Rae?" Valarie asked.

"Love is f**ked up" Rae replied.

"We're still young, Val. Don't waste your time over a guy who won't even give you a second glance. We have to move on"

"Why is it so easy for you to say that?"

"Trust me. I have been in too many heartbreaks, I'm kind of slowly getting used to it. Though, I have to admit, it hurts even more every time it hits"

"Is that why you do not want to give a chance with Jooheon?"

"I... yeah. With Jooheon is different. He's different. I'm scared to get closer. I'll just end it at there, before something big happens"

"How different?"

"He's not like any other guy. I feel like I'm coming to like him faster, than any other guy that came before him. Those guys I met before, they were all the same, but Jooheon, he's different. As soon as I saw him, other guys are nothing"

"That's how I feel with Hyungwon" As she said Hyungwon's name, the waterworks started. Rae looked towards Valarie that was crying silently.

"Sshh. Sshh" Rae hugged Valarie and cooed at her, rubbing her back comfortingly.

"How am I supposed to get over him?" Valarie cried on Rae's shoulder.

"In time, Val. In time"


Valarie went through the pictures of her and Hyungwon and the feeling of heartache hit her once again. How can someone affect her so deeply like this? How does she make it better? Being in this room doesn't help it at all. She glanced around her sister's room, feeling a sense of eeriness every time she's in here. She look at all the things in the boxes, ready to be thrown out and forgotten. She missed her sister dearly. It wasn't her fault that everything happened. She was just a teenager infatuated and in love. Maybe love was to blame. Maybe lust was to blame. Perhaps, obsession? Valarie's eyes look into her own as she stared at her reflection.

"Valarie. You are way better than this. When you're already down, the only way to go is up" Valarie's lips quirked up into a smile.

"I don't need Chae Hyungwon. He is only a short phase in my life. I will become better than him" Her eyes was filled with determination and ambition.

"Let's do this, Valarie De'Casper"

A/N: I'm updating this in the airplane heading to Bali! Yo girl is on a vacay! I'll try to update soon enough! Please do vote!

Pretty-Faced Monster (Monsta X Fanfic) Book #3 Monster SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now