Oliver Queen is Alive

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"Oliver Queen is alive."

Aurora looked up at the television as her TV show turned to the Breaking News. The laundry in her hand was abandoned as she caught onto what the News Anchor was reporting.

"The Starling City resident was found by fishermen in the North China Sea five days ago. Five years after he was missing and presumed dead following the accident at sea which claimed The Queen's Gambit."

Aurora walked closer to the TV with her mouth hanging open.

"Queen is the son of Starling City billionaire Robert Queen who was also on board but now officially confirmed as deceased."


Aurora whipped her head around as she heard her baby sister say her nickname.

"What'er you watching?"

Aurora quickly took the remote into her hand and changed it back to the family friendly movie she was watching.

Aurora shook her head. "Nothing Emmy. The News pushed my movie away." The television had been changed to Toy Story.

Emrah jumped up onto the couch and noticed it was a cartoon and smiled. Aurora went back to the laundry, but the little sister soon looked up at her older sister. "When's mommy coming home?"

Aurora looked up at her sister and swallowed. "Remember? Mommy went to Heaven."

Emrah looked down at the couch. "Oh." She looked back up at the TV and sat in the middle of the couch cushions. She pulled a blanket around her and focused on the movie.

Aurora had started folding the laundry again, but she couldn't keep her mind off of the Billionaire that had come back from the dead. She wanted so badly to run out of the house and rush to Starling City. She wanted to badly to meet Oliver Queen and his family, but Aurora made a promise to her little sister. A promise that she couldn't break.


Aurora looked up at the Mansion in front of her before she looked back down at the papers in her hands. She let out a strong breath before she walked up to the large front doors of the Castle and knocked on the wood. She rang the doorbell for good measure and waited. Her heart beat so quickly and so loudly that she thought she might pass out on the porch. She fiddled with the papers for a moment before she shook her head. She let out another sigh before she decided to turn around and return back to her car.

But she didn't get more than a few steps away before she heard the door open. She turned around with a smile and walked up to the woman at the door.

"Hello. Can I help you?"

Aurora let out a nervous breath. "Is Moira Queen here? My name is Aurora and I, um, I wanted to talk to her for a moment."

The woman took in Aurora's request but slowly shook her head. "I'm sorry. Mrs. Queen just left."

Aurora let her shoulders fall. "Oh, Okay."

The woman let out a smile. "Her son is here. Would you like to speak with him?"

Aurora's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Oh, uh, sure. If he's not busy." Aurora wasn't sure if she wanted to speak to anyone other than Moira.

The woman pushed open the front door. "Come in. I will go find him."

Aurora walked into the foyer of the Mansion and let out a smile. "Thank you."

The woman closed the front door and walked through the foyer and disappeared behind a wall.

Aurora looked around at what she could see. She stood in between two sets of staircases and a fireplace. The part of the house that she could see was bigger than her house growing up. Aurora was in awe at her surroundings, she didn't even notice she wasn't alone in the foyer until she heard a voice.

"Hello. Can I help you?"

Aurora quickly turned around and came face to face with Oliver Queen. Aurora honestly wasn't sure what she was going to say. She was nervous just looking at one of the members of the Queen family.

"I'm Oliver. You said your name was Aurora?"

Aurora quickly thawed. "Yes. Hi, um, sorry to pull you away from...whatever you were doing. I was actually looking for Moira." Aurora looked down at the papers in her hands and held it out. "Would you give this to her? My number is on there if she wants to call me."

Aurora swallowed as Oliver slowly took the paper but didn't open it. It was awkward between them for a moment.

"Okay, thanks."

Aurora quickly turned on her heel and away from Oliver's prying eyes. She fiddled with her jacket before she started towards the door. She had her hand on the handle and had the door pulled open, but she wasn't able to walk out the front door.


Aurora slowly turned around and saw Oliver's confused expression.
"What is this?"

Aurora swallowed before she answered. "That's my Birth Certificate along with my Adoption Certificate."

Oliver looked down at the paper. "The Birth Certificate has a death time."

Aurora was still nervous. "That's what I wanted to talk to Moira about."

Oliver took a step forward with furrowed brows. "It says your birth name is Aurora Queen."

Aurora swallowed and nodded. "Yes, it does."

Oliver bowed his head. "Why are you giving this to her? Why now?"

Aurora let out a breath and looked up at Oliver. "I lost my dad and my little sister a few months ago. I thought that maybe I could meet Moira and get to know her."

Oliver let his tough exterior break a little. "I'm sorry about your Dad and Sister." He looked down at the papers again and took in the names. He looked up and studied her. "It was nice to meet you Aurora. I will give these to Moira when she gets back."

Aurora nodded and gave a small smile. "It was nice to meet you too, Oliver."

Aurora walked to the front door and this time Oliver didn't stop her. When the front door closed, Tommy Merlyn walked around the corner and came up to Oliver.
"Who was that?"

Oliver looked down at the papers. "My sister." His words were low.

Tommy was confused. "Thea?"

Oliver shook his head. "No. Aurora."

Oliver looked at the door that Aurora escaped from and couldn't believe that he had another sibling in the world. 

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