The Hood

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Aurora was dressed in her usual teal scrubs, but she wasn't headed to the hospital just yet. She walked through the Queen Consolidated lobby and boarded the elevator. The manager at the front desk had told her Moira was in a meeting, but she could wait outside her office. The elevator doors closed and it was a quiet trip up. She pulled out her phone and sent her co-workers a quick text letting them know she was going to be a bit late. When the elevator came to a slow stop, she slowly exited and walked into the hallway.

She pocketed her phone and navigated her way up to a set of glass doors with several people inside the office. Moira looked up at the movement and the mother and daughter shared a glance. Aurora let out a soft smile and a small wave, but the smile quickly turned to fear as the glass window in the office shattered and a man dressed as an archer crashed through and landed on his feet.

The archer punched one of Moira's security in the jaw and he was down on the ground. The other guard wasn't far behind him. Aurora watched as Moira and her two businessmen stood up and backed away. The archer hadn't noticed Aurora as he shot an arrow towards the lamp on the desk. The lamp shattered to the ground and the archer strutted towards Moira with his bow drawn. Aurora took a step forward but Moira quickly shook her head with fear in her eyes.

"Moira Queen. You have failed this city."

Moira went to grab the phone on her desk, but an arrow was shot with incredible accuracy. The phone was shot to the ground and he was quick to re-draw his bow. "Stand still!"

Aurora had gravitated towards the glass doors, but the only thing she could do was watch as Moira begged for her life.

"Please don't kill me." The mother's voice was shaking.

"Do you know anything about your husband's disappearance?" The archer's voice was low and sounded camouflaged.
"What?" Moira slowly lowered her hands with confusion.
"Is Walter Steele still alive?" His voice got sharper and louder and it startled both Aurora and Moira.

"I don't know where my husband is. I swear."

The archer slowly stalked towards Moira. "Do you know anything about the Undertaking?"

Moira backed against a standing cabinet and quickly turned her body to grab something, but the archer was quick to comment.

"I said don't move."

Moira grabbed a picture frame and held it out to the man. She sank to her knees and shook the photo. "I—I'm a mother. I have a son, Oliver. A daughter, her name is Thea. She's just a teenager. And another daughter I just met. Her name is Aurora. Please don't take me from my children."

Aurora suddenly had tears rolling down her cheeks. She couldn't wipe them away as she stared at Moira.

"They lost their father. They can't lose me too. Please, whoever you are, please."

There was only a slight hesitation. "Okay." He slowly lowered his bow and held out a hand. "I'm not going to hurt you."

Aurora let her shock fade before she took a few quick steps forward and pushed open the office door. As she did, the archer turned his focus to her and that's when Moira reached for her hidden gun and started shooting at the man.

Aurora quickly ducked and moved away from the bullets and that's when she saw the man fall to the ground with a grunt of pain. Moira hurried to hide under her desk as Aurora quickly stood and rushed over to the man. Her medical instincts kicked in and she quickly analyzed the man. Aurora saw the blood and knew he had been shot. The blood was coming from his upper chest, but Aurora wasn't even able to put pressure on the wound before the man pushed her back. As she fell back, she sliced the inside of her wrist with a shred of glass.

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