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Aurora came back to reality almost 2 hours later. When she opened her eyes, she expected for herself to see Tommy or Oliver's face, but she woke up to an empty bunker. It was odd seeing as she only remembered fragments from before she passed out. She slowly sat up and saw the IV in her arm with an almost empty bag attached to her. She dangled her feet on the edge of the table and just now noticed that she was in a men's, dark blue, button-down shirt and her shorts from underneath her dress.

Aurora expertly unplugged herself from the IV and slowly slid from the table. She tested her weight and when she knew she was steady she started her footing towards the arrows that were sticking up from a rack. The arrow heads were pointing up and Aurora carefully touched her finger to the tip. The arrow was as sharp as a pin and with just that little touch, blood drew from her finger. She quickly pulled it away and stuck her finger into her mouth to stop the bleeding.

She glanced around the area and found herself walking towards the suit on display. The green hooded suit was carefully crafted and handmade. The majority of the suit was leather, but the hood was cloth and looked worn down. Beside the suit stood the bow. It was green, but Aurora didn't know what kind of bow it was. She adjusted her steps so that she was right in front of it. From the dim lighting it looked almost oiled.

Aurora reached out with her left hand and grasp the handle. When she lifted it off the rack, she expected for it to be heavy, but the bow was incredibly light. It startled her at first, but she quickly got used to it. As she admired the complexity of it, she heard footsteps on the metal steps. She saw Oliver dressed in a suit and nice shoes.

"What do you think?"

Aurora gently put the bow back on the rack. "It's light. Didn't expect that."

Oliver stepped into the heart of the bunker. "You're on your feet. That's good."

Aurora nodded. "Yeah. I feel better."

Oliver noticed Aurora's tone. "What do you remember?"

Aurora adjusted the shirt around her. "Um, I was upstairs with Tommy, I got drugged." Aurora paused. "You're the Hood." There was another pause. "What happened after I passed out?"

Oliver swallowed and put his hands in his pant pockets. "I took you down here and you had a seizure. Your heart stopped for about a minute. I gave you some herbs to help clear out the drug."

Aurora just now noticed how sore her chest felt. She put a hand up to her sternum and swallowed. "What was I drugged with?"

Oliver hesitated for half a second. "Vertigo."

"Vertigo? I thought that stuff was off of the streets?"

Oliver shook his head. "You weren't the only one drugged. There was another girl from last night that took it and died in the middle of the street by a stray car."

Aurora furrowed her brows. "Oh, my god." She let out a breath. "Do you know who had the drugs?"

Oliver shook his head. "No. We have no idea."

Aurora ran a hand through her hair and let out a breath. She hadn't woken up with a headache, but she was starting to gain one now.

"Do I still have Vertigo in me?"

Oliver pulled his hands out of his pockets. "Felicity did a blood test about an hour ago and you do still have some of it in your system."

Aurora closed her eyes and let out a breath. "The Vertigo that Thea took had a 24-hour half-life. I have about 16 hours left."

Oliver tilted his head. "Maybe a little less. The herbs I gave you helped clear your system a bit."

Aurora was curious. "What kind of herbs?"

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