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Thea's eyes went wide, but she didn't have time to process the information before the door was pushed open and Moira and Oliver walked in. Moira had a crease in her forehead from worry.

"Oh, Thea."

Oliver let his eyebrow rise. "Are you okay?"

Thea let out a breath. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." Thea's words were slow and slightly soppy. "I'm just headachy, really."

She pulled in a breath and let realization onto her expression. "The car...Is—is it...?"

"The car isn't important right now." Oliver's tone was tight.

Thea let out a breath and let her head fall onto her pillow. Moira glanced at Aurora before she spoke.

"Do you remember what happened, sweetheart?"

Thea let out an uncharacteristic scoff and a smile. "Just go away."

Thea turned her head away from Moira and let her eyes focus on something next to Aurora. Moira had pulled in a breath and tried to reason with her daughter.

"Thea. Please."

Thea's face hardened. "I said I'm fine."

Oliver tilted his head at Thea's attitude, and Moira let her shoulders sag. She skirted around Oliver and the older brother looked down at his baby sister with concern and confusion.

Oliver glanced at Aurora before he slowly walked from the room. Aurora let out a breath and looked down at Thea.

"I'll be right back."

Aurora went to stand, but Thea quickly grasped Aurora's wrist. "You'll come back?"

Aurora nodded. "Of course." She let out a small smile and followed Oliver out of the room and into the hallway.

The people that were once in the hallway had disappeared and it was just Oliver and Aurora. Oliver turned around to face Aurora still with a worried expression. Aurora pulled her arms up to her chest and crossed them to keep the cold from hitting her body.

Oliver took a few steps forward, "Are you hurt?"

Aurora shook her head. "No. She didn't hit me."

"What happened?"

Aurora shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. I was on my way to her party and the next thing I knew, she was driving into my lane and crashed into a tree. She lost consciousness when she hit her head against the steering wheel..."

Oliver noticed Aurora's tone. "And?"

Aurora let out a breath. "They took some blood and it showed..." Aurora paused and took in Oliver's expression. "It showed drugs in her system."

Oliver's eyes widened as he adjusted his stance. "What kind of drugs?"

Aurora let her own expression dip. She let out a breath, but she wasn't able to say the word.

"Aurora, what kind of drugs?" Oliver's tone had hardened.

Aurora shook her head and lowered her voice. "Vertigo."

Oliver tightened his jaw. "The drug they're using in the Glades?"

Aurora shrugged her shoulders. "I guess. The ER doctor said that she had taken it about an hour before the accident."

Aurora mentally punched herself. She knew that Oliver needed to know, but she also felt like she was betraying Thea in a way. Aurora analyzed Oliver's expression and she knew that he was angry.

"It should be out of her system by tomorrow morning. I'm guessing. I don't know much about the drug."

Oliver lowered his head for a moment. "I'm going to go talk to her."

Oliver went to walk around Aurora, but the woman put a hand up and stepped in front of him. "I'm sure she's already kicked herself. Just let her rest for the night."

Oliver let out a sigh, but eventually nodded. "Okay. She gets one night."

Aurora let out a breath. "She's your sister. Letting her rest was just a suggestion, but you can go talk to her if you want."

Oliver pulled his suit jacket closed as he looked down at Aurora. "She's your sister too."

Oliver washed away from Aurora and walked down the hallway. Aurora had to process what Oliver had said before she wiped her face clean of slight shock and walked back into Thea's room. Thea turned her attention to Aurora.

"Where's Ollie?"

Aurora crossed the room and sat back down on the stool. "He went home with Moira."

Thea tilted her head as she looked up at Aurora. "Are you really my sister?"

Aurora smacked her lips together and nodded. "Yeah, I am."

Thea looked down slightly. "There's a picture frame in my parent's bedroom and it has two footprints with a Birthday on it. It has your name on it." Thea looked up as she remembered. "Aurora Moira Queen."

Aurora let her shoulders sag. "I didn't know about that."

Thea nodded. "I found it when I was little. I didn't know what it meant. Mom said the footprints were mine, but chose to name me something different. Just another thing she lied about." Thea's last words were low and too herself.

She looked back up at Aurora. "Were you adopted? Did my mom give you up?"

Aurora shook her head. "No. She was told that I had died a few hours after I was born and another couple took me home. I didn't know the truth until I was fifteen."

Thea was confused. "Why did you find us now?"

Aurora swallowed as she remembered her loss of family. "My mom died of Cancer two years ago and my dad and little sister died in a car accident. I heard on the news that Oliver had come back from a shipwreck and I knew that I had to find where you guys were and I moved here a few months ago to do just that."

Thea allowed for herself to become comfortable. "How old are you?"

Aurora let out a small smile. "Twenty-three." Aurora knew she was only twenty-two, but her birthday was next week and she was close enough.

Thea let out a small smile. "You're my older sister."

Aurora nodded. "Yeah. I am." Aurora noticed the time from the clock on the wall and she looked back down at Thea. "You should try to get some rest. I'll stay with you tonight if you would like."

Thea looked up at the clock and nodded. "I would like that."

Aurora pushed off of the chair and stood up. "I have to make a quick call, but I will be back. Try to sleep, okay?"

Thea nodded. "Okay."

Aurora slowly walked across the room and when she got to the door, Thea had already closed her eyes and her heart rate had started to slow. Thea fell into a slumber before Aurora had fully exited the room. 

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