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Day two after Aurora was drugged with Vertigo and Oliver hadn't come to her with any life-threatening injury and she silently thanked God. She did want to know what Oliver was doing in terms of being a vigilante, but Oliver had specifically said that she was not to be put into any danger. But Oliver had said nothing about keeping tabs on him. Aurora entered Verdant while it was empty and retraced her steps to the door that Oliver brought her out of.

The door in the back of the club had a keypad next to the handle, but when she pulled on the door, it opened. She was surprised at first, but she slowly walked past the threshold and down the steps.

"...I'm going to need a second set of eyes at the aquar—"

Oliver's speech stopped once he saw Aurora coming down the steps into the basement.

"What are you doing here?"

Aurora swallowed, "I needed to see if you are okay. You haven't been home much."

Oliver was decked out in his vigilante outfit with a bow in his hand and arrows in his quiver. Oliver let out a breath and closed his eyes for a moment.

"Stay here with Felicity, and do not leave until I get back."

Aurora nodded and Oliver was quick to scoot past her and up the steps.

Before too much longer it was just the best friends in the basement. Felicity was tapping at her keyboard and glanced back briefly.

"Hi, one sec, I have to call John." She picked up her phone.

Aurora looked around and for the first time she noticed not just arrows, but lab equipment. Aurora narrowed her eyes, but kept scoping the place out. It was sophisticated and full of tech.

Felicity dropped her phone and continued to tap at the computer.

"Where did Oliver go?"

Felicity glanced back. "A guy with Vertigo is in the aquarium and Oliver is going to help him."

Aurora furrowed her brows. "I though Oliver didn't go out and do that kind of thing?"

Felicity stopped typing for a moment and looked back at Aurora. "Both you and Thea have been dosed with the drug and he thinks he can save him."

Aurora leaned on the desk next to Felicity. "I have a feeling Oliver thinks he can save everybody."

Felicity paused her typing. "Oliver can do a lot of good for this city."

Aurora let out a breath. "He did save my life." Aurora swallowed and changed the conversation. "Do you know what happened to him on the Island?"

Felicity turned in her chair. "I think it's best if that came from Oliver."

Aurora sighed. "Kind of figured you say that."

Before Felicity could answer, the door to the basement opened and somebody came rushing down the steps. Tommy walked in on their conversation with a frustrated huff. "Both of you need to go. Right now."

Aurora stood. "What's wrong?"

Tommy let out a breath. "I'm pretty sure Detective Lance is going to come with a warrant to search the building. I need to hide all of this stuff."

Felicity stood from her chair. "Why would he want to search the building?"

Tommy shook his head. "Less questions, more leaving. I only have a few hours."

Felicity gathered up her tablet into her bag and grabbed Aurora's hand. They started towards the steps and Aurora paused.
"What about Oliver? He's out there."

Felicity re-grabbed Aurora's hand. "We can fill him in on the way."

As Aurora passed Tommy they shared a glance.

"Thank you, Tommy."

Tommy huffed, but Felicity dragged Aurora out of the club and into a cab all in one motion.


Aurora quickly sat up in her bed with a hand on her chest. The burning was evident while she slept, but it had gotten so bad that it had woke her. She gasped for air as she clawed at her throat. As she looked around her room, the walls were spinning. She tried to get a large breath into her lungs, but her body wouldn't allow it. As she struggled to breathe, she quickly got out of her bed and rushed across the room. She swung open the door and rushed down the corridor.

She tried to shout for help, but her airway was severely compromised. She realized that she only had minutes until her airway was cut off completely. She wasn't sure what was happening, but she knew she needed help immediately. She struggled down the hallway until she turned the corner and ran straight into Oliver.

The brother quickly took in his sister's appearance and his eyes went wide.

The sister tumbled into Oliver's arms and the brother thought quick on his feet. He pulled out his phone and dialed 911 as he shouted for his mother and sister. It was Thea that was the first one into the corridor and she rushed up to her siblings.

"Ollie? What happened? Aurora?"

Aurora looked up at her siblings with wild eyes. She was still able to get a small amount of air into her lungs, but she knew she was going to lose consciousness any moment. She gripped onto both Thea and Oliver as Oliver quickly talked to the paramedic on the phone. Aurora's vision kept going in and out of consciousness and she started to panic.

Oliver dropped his phone and looked down at her. "The ambulance is on their way. Can you talk?"

Aurora pulled in a very shallow breath. The sound wheezed and Oliver knew she wasn't able to tell him what happened. Moira quickly rounded the corner and got onto the ground with her children.

"What happened?"

Oliver tried to stay calm. "I don't know. She's having a difficult time breathing. I've already called an ambulance."

Moira put a hand on Aurora's head. "Look and me sweetheart. You're going to be okay."

Beside Moira, Thea was in tears. "Where are the paramedics?"

Oliver tried to sooth his baby sister. "They should be here soon. Aurora. Stay with me."

Aurora had a hand to her throat as she tried desperately to get in a full breath. She clutched at Oliver and just as she had predicted, her world went black and it never returned. 

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