Roy Harper

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It was near the end of Aurora's shift when she felt her phone buzz in her scrub pocket. It had been buzzing all day, but this time it was nonstop. She finally pulled it out to see Thea's name on the screen. Aurora walked into the hallway and answered the call.

"Thea? Is everything okay?"

"Are you at the hospital?"

Aurora was confused. "Uh, yeah. I've got about an hour left, why?"

"Can you meet us by the ER doors?"

Aurora, still in her scrub cap and mask, noticed the urgency in her sister's voice. "Who's 'us'?"

"Me and Roy."

Aurora had to rack her brain to try to connect who Roy was. Roy was Thea's friend.

"Okay, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Just hurry."

The call cut off as Thea hung up. Aurora tore her mask from her neck and as quickly as she could she made it to the ER doors to see Thea holding Roy up as he clutched his side.

Aurora quickly saw the blood on Roy's hand and her eyes went wide.
"What happened?"

Thea held onto Roy. "He was stabbed. Can you help him?"

Aurora let out a breath and looked behind her. "Come on." She quickly ushered the couple into an empty room and closed the door.

Roy was confused. "Who are you?"

Aurora put on a pair of gloves as she answered. "Thea's sister. Take off your jacket."

Aurora rummaged through the cupboards and found some gauze.

Roy took off his jacket and shirt and Aurora could clearly see a penetrating stab wound near the bottom of Roy's ribcage. The wound was deep and she knew that he needed stitches. Aurora had a call system around her neck and she pressed the button to call one of the Nurses on staff.

Conner quickly walked into the room with the supplies she needed.
"Can you keep this off the board?"

Conner let out a breath but nodded. "Yeah, just hurry." The Nurse left and Aurora noticed Roy's eyes when she handled a needle.

"Roy? What's the matter?" Thea was concerned.
"N-nothing. I just don't see why I need a shot." Roy's voice was wavering.

Thea let out a chuckle. "Oh, don't tell me a tough gangbanger like yourself is afraid of a tiny little needle."

"It doesn't look so tiny."

Aurora filled the syringe up with Lidocaine as Roy answered.

"Well just think about something else, besides the needle." Thea was trying to help.

"Like what?" Roy's voice was low.

Aurora let out a breath and walked up to Roy and sat down on a stool.
"Okay, Roy. This will sting a little. Try and hold still." Aurora knew that the boy was scared, but she knew she needed to do it quickly. Before she was able to break Roy's skin, Thea turned Roy's head and kissed him. Aurora injected the medication into Roy's bicep and the kiss was over.


Thea pulled away with a smirk on her face. "Now that wasn't so bad, was it?"

Aurora let out a small smile of her own and started to prep Roy for sutures. It was quiet in the room for a moment until Aurora spoke up.

"Do you want to tell me how you got stabbed?"

Roy glanced down and swallowed, but Thea spoke up first. "He saved me from some guys trying to roughhouse me."

Aurora's eyebrow went up and she looked at Roy. "You saved Thea?"

Roy nodded. "Yeah."

Aurora clipped a stitch. "Thank you."

Roy let out a half smile and looked up at Thea. Aurora saw the look and internally smiled for the both of them. 

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