Walter Steele

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"How was Central City?"

Aurora swallowed. "It was good. I got to meet up with my cousin."

Tommy was confused. "You have family?"

Aurora nodded. "Well, adopted family. Her name is Kate."

"Kate Kane? Wow what a name."

Aurora let out a chuckle. "She's nice, a little dark for my taste, but I love her. She's the only family of the Kane's I have left."

Aurora looked at the time on her phone. "Oh! I have to go. Walter is coming home."

Tommy nodded. "You haven't met him yet."

Aurora shook her head. "I want to make a good impression, he is my step-father after all." Aurora gave Tommy a kiss before she was out of the door. She made it to the Queen's mansion before Moira and Walter got there and she met up with her siblings.

"How do I look?"

Thea glanced over at her. "You look fine, why?"

Aurora let out a breath. "This is the first time I'm meeting Walter."

Nobody said anything after that because the front doors opened and Moira spoke. "Everything's exactly as you left it.

Walter walked in and Oliver was the first to speak. "How are you feeling, Walter?"

"I'm on the mend, thank you, Oliver."

Thea rushed up to Walter and gave him a hug. "Oh, I'm so glad you're home."

"That makes two of us." Walter whispered into Thea's ear.

"All of us." Moira had a smile on her face. "Including somebody you have yet to meet."

Walter let go of Thea and he gave a smile at Aurora. "You must be Aurora."

Aurora nodded. "It's nice to meet you."

Walter let out a breath. "It's nice to meet another Daughter of mine. I hope you don't mind me calling you that."

Aurora shook her head. "No, It will just take some getting used to."

Walter took a step forward and held out his hand. Aurora greatly took it and they shared a smile.

Moira still had on a smile on her face. "We've prepared a delicious brunch for you. All your favourites."

Thea crossed her arms. "Oh, yum, English food."

Walter gave a sigh. "Actually, I'm more tired from the drive that I expected. So, I think I'd like to lie down for a bit."

Moira nodded. "Yes, of course." The mother gave Walter a kiss on the cheek before the father walked away from the meeting.

Thea glanced at her phone before she walked up to her siblings. "Walter doesn't really seem like himself."

"He's gone through a lot, it's just," Oliver let out a short breath. "Gonna take a little bit of time."

Thea let out a breath. "I'm really sick of us all having to go through a lot, you know?"

Oliver looked down at Thea before the littlest sister walked away.


"I'm going to need you to put your nursing abilities to work. They need help at some of the clinics in the Glades."

Aurora looked down at her boss and nodded. "Give me a list and dates. I'll go where I'm needed."

Clyde nodded his head. "This is why I like you. You start tonight." He handed Aurora a piece of paper. "Here are the addresses and the times you work. It will only be about a week maybe two that you are needed there."

Aurora took the paper and nodded. "I'll head there now. Thanks Clyde."

Aurora took her paper and her things and headed to the Glades. The first was a small clinic in the middle of town. As she entered she could hear coughing in the lobby. The place was run down and she knew she would have to work creatively to get the care that her patients needed.

She went to the nurse's station and found somebody doing charting.

"Hi, I'm from Starling City General."

The woman let out a breath. "Oh, thank god. Bed four. He's got a head lac from a fall off of a ladder, CT shows no brain bleed, he just needs stitches. I can get an intern to get you a suture kit."

"Okay. My name is Aurora."

The woman nodded. "Veronica."

Aurora let out a polite smile before she went over to bed four.

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