Starling City Cancer Society Annual Auction

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It was an odd night out for Aurora. She wasn't in scrubs and she wasn't in lounge-wear. She was in an elegant long sleeved, sparkling blue gown that just reached the floor with her hair in an elegant up-do. She tottered on her heels for a moment and had to hold onto August's arm for support. They both entered the Fundraiser together and passed a poster.

Starling City Cancer Society Annual Auction.

As they entered Aurora let out a smile. "The last time I was here was at my Dad's Marine Corps Ball." Aurora smiled as she remembered how Emrah was only a few weeks old.

August planted a kiss on her forehead. "Your dad would be so proud of you now."

The two of them walked along the rows of donated items and they came across a lovely Emerald necklace. Aurora smiled at the delicate pendant that shined in the light.

Above the Emerald, sat a sign: DONATED BY THE KANE FAMILY

Aurora held onto August. "This was mom's dream. I'm so glad we get to do this for her."

The pendant was her mother's from her time in France. In Emma's Will she asked for nothing more than to see the pendant donated to a charity. Aurora had brought the Cancer Auction to August's attention and the pair thought it was the perfect place for her mother's wish to be granted.


Both Aurora and August turned and Oliver Queen greeted them with slightly wide eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

Aurora let out a smile. "Donating an item of my mom's."

Oliver adjusted his stance. "Really? Well that's generous." Oliver looked up. "Hi, Oliver Queen."

August took Oliver's outstretched hand in a handshake. "August Kane. It's nice to finally meet you."

Oliver glanced at Aurora. "Is it now?"

Aurora smiled. "August is my Uncle. My dad's brother."

Oliver continued to smile. "Well, then it is nice to meet you as well."

August quickly reached into his vibrating pocket and pulled it out with a sheepish smile. "Well I've afraid our meeting must be cut short." August looked over at his Niece. "I have to go. Emergency surgery."

Aurora nodded. "It's fine. I'll see the donation through."

August pecked Aurora's forehead and quickly vanished out of the vicinity.

Oliver glanced around. "I really think you should go. I can have John take you home."

Aurora was confused. "Go? Why?"

Oliver seemed nervous. "Haven't you heard? There's a jewel thief in the city and I just don't want to see you get hurt."

Aurora shook her head. "Thank you for the concern, but I need to stay." Aurora looked past Oliver and spotted Felicity. "Besides, Felicity will accompany me."

Aurora slid past Oliver and went up to Felicity. "I haven't seen you with your hair down. It looks very nice."

Felicity let her eyes widen. "Wwwhat are you doing here?"

Aurora furrowed her brows. "Oliver asked me that same question. Is the building going to blow up or something?"

Felicity let out a breath as she looked around. "Or something." The words were underneath her breath, but Aurora heard them.

Aurora tilted her head. "Do you know what's going on?"

Felicity shook her head. "Nope. Nothing. I know nothing."

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