Felicity Smoak

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Aurora sat across from her best friend from Starling City in a Big Belly Burger. The restaurant wasn't full, as expected, but comfortably quiet. Aurora looked up at Felicity Smoak and let out a large sigh. Felicity caught onto the body language and let her eyebrows rise.

"Okay, what is it? You've been acting like this for a week."

Felicity was referring to Aurora's distracted silences and sighs.

Aurora shook her head and leaned against the table. "What? Nothing."

Felicity pulled her drink closer to her. "That's a load of Bull. Do you want to talk about it?"

Aurora noticed that Felicity's tone shifted to something softer. Aurora leaned a bit closer to Felicity and spoke with a soft voice.

"Have I told you about my family?"

Felicity nodded. "Yeah. Well a little bit. I know your Mom had Ovarian Cancer and died a few years ago; and you told me about—"

Aurora shook her head. "No, not my adoptive family. My birth family."

Felicity shook her head. "Then no. I thought you didn't know who they were."

Aurora bit her lip and fiddled with her long brown hair. "I do know who they are. My parents told me about them when I was fifteen."

Felicity was interested in the conversation. "Do you know where they are?"

Aurora nodded. "Here, in Starling City."

Felicity let her eye widen. "Is that why you moved here?"

Aurora nodded. "Yeah, that and I wanted to get out of Central City for a while."

"Well, have you met them? Who are they? Do they know about you?"

Aurora leaned back at Felicity's questions. "I'm pretty sure they don't know about me. I have not met them, but I do have this." Aurora pulled out a copy of her birth certificate, folded it, and slid it across the table to Felicity.

Felicity furrowed her brows as she took the paper into her hands. She opened it up and let her eyes gaze at the information. Once she realized what she was seeing, she let her eyes widen and she looked up at Aurora.

"Does this say what I think it says?"

Aurora nodded. "Yeah. I dropped off a copy. I was originally going to talk to Moira, but Oliver was there instead. I handed a copy of that and my adoption papers to him asking him to give it to Moira."

Felicity shook her head. "You're a Queen?"

Aurora glanced around to the other costumers as Felicity's words were a bit too loud. "Yes, Moira and Robert Queen are my birth parents."

Felicity set the paper down, "Wow. What are you going to do?"

Aurora shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. Wait? I guess. I doubt Moira will even believe that I am who I say I am."

Felicity shook her head. "If you gave the documents to Oliver I'm sure that they will look into it to see if they are genuine."

Aurora glanced down. "Oliver was eighteen and Thea was ten when I found out the truth." She looked back up. "Sorry, this is weird."

Felicity shook her head. "No, this is fascinating. Think about what will probably happen when they know the truth. You have another family, Aurora."

Aurora let her emotions get to her. "I just hope something or someone doesn't take this one from me."

It was quiet between the friends for a moment before they were interrupted by Aurora's cell phone ringing. She dug around in her bag until she found the device and noticed the unknown number on the screen. She furrowed her brows before she answered the call.

"Hello, is this Aurora Kane?"

Aurora nodded. "Yes, this is."

"Aurora, this is Moira Queen, and I believe we have much to discuss."

Aurora let out a breath and looked up at Felicity with wide eyes. "Yes, I believe we do."

"If you would, I would like to have you come over a little later this afternoon. Would that work for you?"

Aurora nodded. "Yes, I can make that work. I can be over there a little after three."

"Sounds perfect. I will be expecting you. Goodbye Aurora."


Aurora slowly pulled the phone from her ear with sudden nervousness written on her face.

"What? Who was that?"

Aurora looked up at Felicity. "Moira. She wants me to come over."

Felicity let out a smile. "That's great!" Felicity noticed Aurora's nervousness. "That's not great?"

Aurora shook her head. "What am I going to say to her? "Sorry, I didn't let you know I was alive, I was too busy grieving over my other family?" I'm fairly certain that will not go well."

Felicity shook her head. "Just be you. You have no idea how much I would love to meet my mother now instead of growing up with her." Felicity let out an eye roll. "Just be yourself. I'm sure she will fall in love with you."

Aurora put her phone back into her bag. "Was I stupid in giving Oliver those papers? What if I regret this?"

Felicity tilted her head. "I don't think you will, but if you do, always know that I am here for you and I will definitely move in with you and we can have a cute fur baby together."

Aurora cracked a smile and Felicity nodded. "That's what I wanted to see. Of course you should be nervous, that's normal, but I think you will do just great."

Aurora let her smile grow. "What would I have done without you?" She pushed out of the booth and stood up as Felicity followed.

Felicity gave a shrug. "I don't know. You would have probably become the next Cat Lady of Starling City. I can see it now. Thirteen cats in a studio apartment."

Aurora pushed the front door open. "Actually it would be a one bedroom and it would be twenty-seven cats; most of which would be from the same litter."

Felicity shoved her best friend with her shoulder. "Give Moira the same humor you give me and we will be golden. Three best friends going out on a Saturday night."

Aurora pulled out her work badge and shook her head with a smile. "I'll make sure Moira knows about our secret nights out."

Aurora backed up from Felicity with a smile. "See you later."

Felicity smiled back. "I want to know every detail!"

Aurora shook her head. "This isn't a date, Felicity!"

"Oh but it is!"

Felicity and Aurora had started shouting at each other, but they could still hear each other's laughter as they went their own ways to work. 

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