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The moment Aurora walked into the church, a slight hum sounded in her ears. She swallowed as she walked past the pews of people and to the front of the room. She stood in the middle of the pews looking up at the two caskets that were standing before her. One was smaller than the other. Both caskets were open and the tops of the bodies were visible.

Aurora walked up to the caskets and let out a breath. Below her were her father and baby sister. She stared at their bodies and took in every detail. Her father, Carlisle, still had his salt and pepper hair and slight stubble on his chin. His face was relaxed and that was the first time Aurora had ever seen her father calm. His flesh was paper white and she could tell that he had make up on to cover up the bruising on his face. His hands were clasped at his waist and he was wearing his Military uniform. Aurora hadn't seen her father in his uniform for a few years. He looked handsome.

Aurora looked down a tier to her baby sister. Emrah's long blonde hair was still in its natural curls around her face. She had on her favourite pink dress and a matching bow in her hair. She looked like she was sleeping. She had on a natural smile on her face and that made Aurora's tears fall from her lashes. In Aurora's hands she held a stuffed cat. It was a tabby cat and Emrah couldn't ever sleep without it. Aurora took a step closer and placed the cat above Emrah's clasped hands.

The shifted her gaze to and from her father and her sister. Aurora half expected for their chests to rise and fall with a breath, but in the time that she stood there, nothing had happened. Aurora looked back down at Emrah and put a smile on her face.

"You look beautiful. I love you so much, Emrah." Aurora bent down and placed a kiss on her baby sister's forehead and a tear splashed on the embalmed forehead.

Aurora pulled away and swallowed. She looked up and let her tears drop. "You're not going to be alone mom. I may not be with you, but dad and Emrah will join you. I love you." Aurora lowered her head and allowed for herself to become one with her emotions. Her tears cascaded down her cheeks without mercy and she didn't think to wash them away. Her family may be gone, but she was far from alone.


Aurora felt a tickle on her cheek and that's what woke her up. She slowly opened her eyes and almost immediately she realized where she was. She reached up to her face and felt the nasal cannula that was in her nose. The oxygen that flowed through the tubing tickled her nose. When she pulled in a breath, she realized that her breathing wasn't labored. She looked down at her arm and saw and I.V. pumping fluids into her body. She looked around the room and realized that it was dark.

The curtains were open which let in the city light. Her eyes were quick to adjust to the lighting and she saw somebody sleeping in the chair beside her I.V. stand. She recognized it as Oliver. She looked at the clock on the wall, but couldn't tell what time it was. She looked up at the monitor above her and checked her vitals. She was stable. Heart rate was good, oxygen was good and even her breathing was within normal limits. She tried to swallow, but that only made her dry throat more prominent. She let out a small cough and that's what woke Oliver.

The brother quickly sat up and looked over at Aurora.

"Hey, you're awake." Oliver stood up and turned on the light above them.

The light temporarily blinded both of them, but they quickly adjusted.

Aurora tried to clear her throat. "What happened?" Her voice was horse.

Oliver knew that Aurora wanted the real version of what happened. "You weren't breathing. When you got here the doctors said it was anaphylaxis. They didn't know what was causing it until they ran some tests."

Oliver let out a sigh. "You had a reaction to chlorpromazine."

Aurora furrowed her brows. "What? That's an anti-psychotic."

Oliver nodded. "It was in the vertigo formula that you were drugged with."

Aurora was confused. She was drugged a few days ago, but she knew that it could take a while for the body to react to a drug. She looked up at Oliver and noticed his expression.

"What else?"

Oliver swallowed. "As far as we know two others have died from their reaction to chlorpromazine. You're the first one that's survived."

Aurora swallowed, but this time it was easier. "Who else?"

"The girl from the club and the guy from the aquarium."

Aurora shook her head and just realized the room was slightly empty. "Where's Moira and Thea?" She remembered them from the house.

"I told them to go home. I said I'd text when you woke up."

Aurora glanced at the clock. "What time is it?"

Oliver pulled out his phone. "Three-fifteen."

"How long have I been here?"

Oliver pocked his phone. "It's only been a day. They got your breathing under control in the ER, but you've been unconscious ever since."

Aurora let out a breath and realized that she had tears brimming in her eyes. "When can I go home?"

Oliver sat on the bed. "I'll go talk with the nurses, but the doctor doesn't come in until seven."

Aurora shifted her position slightly. "Who's my doctor?"

Oliver let out a breath. "August."

Aurora almost let out a groan and shook her head. "Does he know about the vertigo?"

Oliver nodded. "I had to tell them where the chlorpromazine came from."

Aurora temporarily closed her eyes, but she knew Oliver had made the right call. She let out a breath and changed the topic.

"Can you get me some water?"

Oliver quickly nodded. "Yeah, I'll go ask the nurse."

Oliver quickly left the room and Aurora was now alone. She looked up at the florescent light above her and couldn't help but remember the memory she had. 

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