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Aurora walked into the precinct with Oliver and Tommy by her side. She was dressed in her teal scrubs because she was heading to work right after. As she walked in she quickly found the child that she was supposed to examine. Before she got to the child, Laurel Lance came up to her.

"Thank you for doing this."

Aurora let out a smile. "Of course. What's his name?"


Aurora nodded. "Okay, give me a few minutes."

Aurora pulled in a breath before she slowly walked over to the child sitting with a social worker. The social worker stayed in her spot as Aurora knelt down next to Taylor.

"Hi, Taylor. I'm Aurora. Is it okay if I ask you a few questions?"

Taylor swallowed, but nodded.

"Did you hurt anything last night?"

Taylor bit at his lip before he slowly nodded.

"Okay, where does it hurt? Can you show me?"

Taylor pointed at his left leg.

"Is it your leg or your foot?"

Taylor pulled up his pant leg and Aurora quickly saw a small bruise. "Looks like your ankle. Is that what hurts?"

Taylor nodded.

Aurora pulled the pant leg away from the skin and took Taylor's foot into her hand. Taylor let out a gasp when Aurora flexed his foot.

"That hurts?"

Taylor nodded.

Aurora moved his sock away and came to the assumption that it was a sprained ankle. She stood up and went back to the small crowd that was watching her.

"He has a sprained ankle. Probably from a fall out of a window. He should be okay." Aurora was talking to Laurel.

"Thank you, Aurora."

Aurora let out a smile before she turned to Tommy and Oliver. "Okay, I have to go into work now."

Tommy nodded. "I'll drive you."

"Thank you, Aurora."

Aurora nodded at Oliver as she followed Tommy out of the precinct.


The long day was almost over for Aurora. She was fully planning on going home, taking a warm shower and falling asleep in seconds. She was the last one in the operating room. She was cleaning up the tools that they used in the last surgery. She was almost done, when a man pushed open the double doors. Aurora still had gloves on and she looked up at the man.

The man was shaking and had wide, red eyes. He was sweating profusely that it stained the front of his shirt, but the most concerning thing that made Aurora panic was the gun in his hand. His hand was shaking severely and all Aurora could do was drop the tools and put her hands up. She didn't say anything as she sized up the man in front of her. He was obviously high and was looking for something.

"Give me the drugs."

Aurora swallowed as her heart pound in her chest. "What?"

"Give me the drugs!" The man shouted and that caused Aurora to start to shake. "The drugs, show me the drugs."

Aurora let out a shaking breath, trying her hardest to stay calm. She started to move backwards slowly to the back wall that had most of the operating room drugs inside. There was a code to open the case, but she hesitated.

The man suddenly got angry and he charged forward. He put the barrel of the gun to Aurora's head and spit as he spoke. "The code! Plug in the code and give me the drugs!"

Aurora was shaking mercilessly at this point and she tried to keep her tears in her eyes. She swallowed before she shakily put in the code and let the case unlock. The man pulled away from her and she thought she was safe.

But just as she was about to run out of the room, the man grabbed her arm and pistol whipped her in the head. Aurora fell to the ground and watched the man gather as much of the vials as he could before he rushed out of the operating room. Aurora was still on the ground, bleeding and in pain. She knew that she had some type of concussion. She tried her hardest to stay awake, but in the end the darkness consumed her. 


 "Do you want me to call someone?"

Aurora shook her head and looked up at Valerie. "No, just give me the discharge papers."

"Dr. Kane wants to keep you for a night."

Aurora shook her head again. "Valerie. I've already talked to the cops, I just want the discharge papers."

Valerie let out a sigh before she pushed the clipboard towards the patient. Aurora signed her name with a shaking hand and almost threw the clipboard back to Valerie.

Aurora jumped off of the bed, still shaking from the events that unfolded earlier and rushed out of the ER. As she walked up to the edge of the hospital, she just realized that she didn't have a ride home. She let out a breath to calm her nerves before she pulled out her phone and contacted an Uber.

The Uber arrived at the hospital in under five minutes and Aurora gave her destination. The drive wasn't too far and when the car pulled up to the club Aurora jumped out without saying thank you. She was so wound tight that she wasn't entirely sure what she was doing. She had a bruise on her head from the gun and she knew that Oliver was going to ask about it the moment he saw her.

Aurora hoped that somebody was at Verdant as she walked in. She walked to the secret door and tapped in the code she learned from Oliver and as quickly as she could, she rushed down the steps and the moment she saw Oliver she suddenly became emotional. She just about died tonight and it just now hit her.

Oliver quickly saw the tears and the shaking and moved the pull his sister into a hug. Aurora was shaking as she cried into his shoulder. Oliver didn't say a word until she was ready. The hug lasted about a minute before Aurora quickly found her place. She pulled away from Oliver and that's when he saw the bruise on her forehead.

"Aurora." Oliver's tone of voice was caring.

Aurora swallowed before she started her broken speech. "I-I was at work and-and this guy came into the OR a-and he had a gun. He forced me to open the drug cabinet. He-he put the gun to my head and when I opened it he hit me with the gun. I-I didn't know where else to go." Aurora looked up at Oliver. "I almost died tonight."

Aurora just now realized that this was going on the fourth time she almost died. But this was the first that she was attacked.

Oliver wiped his mouth and shook his head. He pulled Aurora into another hug to try to get her shaking under control. Oliver let out soothing words as John and Felicity stayed in their spot and watched the siblings. After a moment Aurora pulled away and her face had completely changed. It went from scared and hopeless, to determined and almost sour.

She looked up at Oliver with steady eyes. "I want you to train me."

Oliver was confused. "Train you?"

"Teach me how to defend myself."

Oliver let out a breath and glanced behind to John and Felicity. For once, Oliver was out of words.

"Please, Oliver. If I had known how to defend myself, this wouldn't have happened."

Oliver glanced at his bow behind him and swallowed. He let out a breath before he looked down at his sister.

"Okay. I'll teach you."

Aurora's tough exterior quickly evaporated and she was a puddle of anxiety again.

"Can I go home first. I want to go to sleep."

John took a step forward. "I'll take you home.

Aurora swallowed. "Thank you."

Aurora let out a breath to try to calm her anxiety. She knew what Oliver could do and she hoped that she could be just as good as him one day. 

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