I Love You

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"So, you're hanging out with me and not Oliver. Wow, I must be special."

Aurora gave Tommy a smile as she held his hand. "If Oliver needs me, he'll call. Until then I am all yours."

"All mine? Then we must to something special."

Aurora let out a smile. "We are doing something special. I like laying down with you."

Tommy rolled over in the bed and let out a nervous breath. Aurora heard the nervousness in his breath and rolled onto her side.

"What is it?"

Tommy let out another breath. "I've wanted to say this for a while, but..." Another breath. "I love you, Aurora."

Aurora's face went up in shock for a moment before she let out a smile of her own. She put a hand on Tommy's face and tilted her head.

"I love you too, Tommy Merlyn."

Tommy let out the breath he was holding. "You do?"

Aurora nodded with the smile still on her face. "I do."

Tommy let out a large smile, "Now we can plan the wedding!"

Aurora let out a laugh and shook her head. "All in due time Tommy."

"But that's not a no?"

Aurora licked her lips. "That's not a no."

Tommy perked up, "So, if I, say, got you a ring, what would you say?"

Aurora was in shock again. "It's only been six months."

"And I've loved every moment of it."

Aurora pushed up onto her elbow and let out a breath. "Let's give it a few more months. Then we can talk about it."

Tommy nodded still with a smile on his face. "Deal. But I'm getting you something to celebrate the "I love you" stage."

Aurora let out a soft smile. "I don't need anything."

"I know. But I'm still going to get you something."

Aurora let out a scoff. "You're stubborn."

Tommy let out a smirk. "That I am, Miss Queen."


"So, Felicity is out doing what?"

Oliver let out a sigh. "She's going to go to a casino. My guess, is she's doing some homework."

Oliver smacked Aurora in the side with a stick and Aurora hissed.

"Keep your eyes on the weapon at all times."

Aurora steadied her two sticks in her hands and nodded. Oliver started up on a slow pace again and Aurora followed.

"Are you sure she's not out talking with John? Try to get the two of you to talk again?"

Oliver kept going. "She wouldn't do that. Right now, focus on the task at hand."

Oliver sped up slightly and Aurora was able to follow with ease. Aurora had to adjust her stance and the way she held onto the sticks as they sped up. After a moment, Aurora let out a laugh. Oliver smacked her with a stick and she pulled in a gasp.

"What's funny?"

Aurora sighed. "I don't know. Maybe it's the fact that I'm actually doing this. I'm training with the Arrow. I'd never thought I'd be training with a vigilante, let alone by my brother. I thought I'd be the one to be teaching Emrah something." The sudden thought about Aurora's baby sister brought tears to her eyes. "But this, being in the secret basement of a club is just something I'd never thought I'd be doing."

Aurora readied her stance again and Oliver mimicked her. The thwacking sounded in the basement again and it almost sounded like music to Aurora. It was easy to follow Oliver's pace and it was therapeutic. They had only been training for a week and already Aurora was loving it. It was so nice to spend some quality time with her brother.


I was also nice to go out with Tommy too. The two of them met at Merlyn Global Group and when Aurora entered the conference room Tommy was dressed in a suit. It was stunning to see. He looked so sharp and almost regal. He was just finishing up a meeting and the moment he saw her a smile grew onto his face. It was a complete change than he had when he was talking with the other men. Tommy had been stern and unamused. But the smile made him look younger.

When the men were gone, he rushed up to her and pulled her into a hug. Aurora liked Tommy's hugs, they were passionate and real. When they pulled apart he looked down at her. "Are you ready?"

"Ready for you to buy me something way to expensive? Sure, why not."

They walked from the building and one of Tommy's security drove them to a jewelry shop in the Glades. The shop on the outside was beautiful. Tommy took Aurora's hand and escorted her out of the car and into the shop.

There was a security guard posted at the entrance and he looked bored, but once he saw we were approaching he straightened up and gave a polite smile. When they entered Aurora was overwhelmed by the amount of diamonds. Every diamond she could think of and then there were the other stones and pearls.

"No, you clearly wanted to wait until the big question, so rings are off the table, but anything else is fair game."

Aurora walked around the store as Tommy met with a sales associate. She browsed the necklaces and bracelets and found every one of them were gorgeous. But as she browsed, she kept going back to a very simple diamond bracelet. It was a Tennis bracelet with small white diamonds wrapped around it. It looked small enough to fit her tiny wrist. Tommy came up behind her and looked down at the bracelet.

"That one?" Tommy pointed at the right one.

Aurora nodded. "It's simple and probably small enough to fit my wrist."

The sales associate came over behind the table and gave a smile. "I saw you stop and stare."

Aurora pointed to the bracelet and nodded. "That one. The simple one."

The associate let out a soft smile. "Ah, yes. The Blue Nile." He got it out of the case. "I have been trying to sell this for a while now. It hasn't been able to readily fit anybody yet."

The associate gestured for her wrist and he wrapped the diamonds around and it clasped perfectly. Aurora's wrist was extremely small and she never thought that a bracelet would fit her, but this one fit like a glove and it was beautiful.

Tommy saw the glow in Aurora's eyes and nodded. "We'll take it."

Aurora turned to Tommy. "You really don't have to do this."

Tommy nodded. "Yes, I do. The sparkle in your eyes said I have to. I love you Aurora." Tommy gave her a kiss on the head before following the associate.

It took only a few minutes to purchase the item before they were back in the car and on their way. The entire way back to the Queen house, Aurora couldn't stop staring at the bracelet. This was the most expensive thing she owned and she loved every part of it. And she loved every part of Tommy.

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