The Undertaking

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Aurora had been so engrossed in work that she hadn't really had time to sleep or even answer her phone. So when she got a call, she had to answer it quickly.

"Oliver, I'm working what is it?"

"You need to get out of the Glades right now."

"Why what's wrong?"

"Malcolm Merlyn planted an earthquake device to level the Glades tonight. You need to get out of there."

Aurora let out a breath. "I can't, I'm at the clinic, they need my help."

"Get as many people out of there as you can. But just get out."

Aurora huffed. "Oliver what am I supposed to say that the Vigilante called me telling about a city-wide threat."

"Aurora, bed nine."

Aurora nodded to Veronica before she hurried up her call. "I have to go. I'll see what I can do." Before Oliver could answer, Aurora hung up and rushed to help the run-down clinic.

Aurora had a lull in work and when she heard a familiar voice, she looked up at a patient's television set and saw her mother on the screen.

"My name is Moira Dearden Queen. I am the acting CEO of Queen Consolidated. And God, forgive me I have failed this city. For the past five years under the threat for my life and the lives of my family, I have been complicit in an undertaking with one horrible purpose."

Moira looked off screen for a moment. "To destroy the Glades and everyone in it. But I realize now that my family's safety will mean nothing if I let this dreadful act occur. But you need to know that the architect of this nightmare,"
Moira paused for a moment.
"Is Malcolm Merlyn. Yes, and I have proof that he killed dozens in pursuit of this madness. Adam Hunt, Frank Chen, and my husband Robert. Please, if you reside in the Glades you need to get out now. Your lives and the lives of your children depend on it. Please."

Moira left the screen and the man in the bed next to Aurora had a startling reaction. He jumped up from his bed and hobbled on one leg as the rest of the Clinic's emergency area went up into a panic. Aurora tried to consul as many of the patients as she could, but it was chaos. Several times Aurora was almost pushed to the ground, but she wasn't worried about herself, she was worried about the patients up on the other floors.

It took almost twenty minutes to clear one section of the clinic, which was too slow for Aurora. She had no idea how long she had until the device went off. She had to get as many patients out of the clinic as she could before she could even think about saving herself.

She could feel her phone vibrating in her pocket, but she didn't even think about answering the call. She knew that is was probably Oliver or Tommy, but she was focused on saving the patients. When she heard her name, it was a familiar voice.


She turned around and saw Tommy standing before her. "Tommy? You need to get out now!"

"Not without you. Come on Aurora."

Aurora shook her head. "I can't I have to help the patients."

"Aurora please."

It was at that moment that the ground started to shake. Aurora's first thought was the patients, but Tommy had other ideas. He took Aurora's hand and started to pull her out of the clinic, but Aurora tugged back.

"Tommy, no. I can't."

Tommy pulled Aurora into his arms. "No! We need to get out of here now!"

With Tommy's hand in hers, she glanced at the bracelet on her wrist. She swallowed and nodded, she followed Tommy, but just as they were about to get out of the building, the walls came crumbling down.

The building exploded from the oxygen in the emergency room and Tommy and Aurora were engulfed in smoke. As the building exploded, Aurora was shot across the room. She smacked into a standing wall, but the adjacent wall came rushing around her. A part of the wall smashed her to the ground and she was pinned. She let out a shout of pain and panic as she was crushed.


It was a moment before Aurora heard an answer back, but it was weak. "Aurora."

As the smoke cleared, Aurora saw Tommy a few feet away from her, but what brought tears to her eyes was the pipe that had impaled him straight in the chest.

"Tommy!" Aurora let out a cough as the back of her throat filled with blood. The piece of building that was on top of her was sitting on her chest and it was hard to breath. Aurora held out her arm as far as it would go toward Tommy.

"Tommy! Please."

Tommy turned his head toward Aurora and slowly extended his arm, they were inches apart and couldn't actually touch each other.

Aurora tried to wiggle her way towards him, but the more she moved, the more she couldn't breathe. "Tommy stay with me! Help! Somebody help! Tommy look at me!"

Tommy slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Aurora with a smile. "I love you, Aurora." His eyes slowly started to drift closed as Aurora shouted.

"No! Tommy!" Tears made way down her dirty cheeks as she watched Tommy take his last breath. "No!" She forced herself to move from underneath the rubble so that she could reach Tommy's hand.

She reached for his wrist and she tried to feel for a pulse, but nothing was there. Tommy had died right in front of her. She let out her sob just as she started to see black dots in her vision. "No!" She wiggled her head to keep herself awake, but it was difficult. "Tommy." She let out her tears and that was the last thing she said before she blacked out from the world. 

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