Last Night

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Aurora sat on the couch as Moira talked with Detective Quentin Lance about what had happened that night. Aurora had already given her statement and it was now Moira's turn to explain. Thea was also in the living room standing behind Aurora as the older sister fiddled with the bandaging around her stitches.

Moira was describing what the man looked like, but that came to a halt when another voice entered the area.

"Hey, what's going on?"

They all looked up at him but it was Thea who spoke first. "Where have you been? I've been calling you all night."

The crowd in the living area stood and walked up to Oliver.

"I was at the club. I get zero reception in there."

Thea was annoyed. "Maybe it's time you invest in a landline."

Moira came up behind her daughter and put a hand on her back. "Thea."

Quentin let out a sigh. "Moira and Aurora were attacked last night by the Vigilante."

"What?" Oliver answered quickly with concern.

Moira nodded. "He came after me at the office right when Aurora showed up."

Oliver shook his head. "Did he hurt you? Are you okay?" Oliver then noticed the bandage on Aurora's wrist. "Did he do that?"

Aurora shook her head. "No. No, he didn't hurt either of us."

"Actually, she hurt him." Oliver turned to Quentin. "Moira shot him point-blank with a gun hidden in her office."

Oliver narrowed his eyes. "That should help with your investigation. D-d-did you get any evidence? Like a blood sample or...?"

Quentin pulled in a breath. "There was a screw-up at the lab."

Oliver clicked his tongue. "That's too bad."

Aurora narrowed her eyes at Oliver's response and Quentin had the same reaction. The Detective let out a Hum before he glanced over at Moira.

"We'll be in touch."

As Quentin went to leave Moira thanked him, but the Detective only let out a short reply as he skirted past Oliver and out of the Queen house.

Oliver watched him go and when he turned around Moira went up to her son in a hug.

"Oh, sweetheart. I was so scared."

Oliver hugged his mother back. "I'm just glad the two of you are okay."

"I thought he was going to kill me."

Aurora swallowed at the statement and let out a breath. She pushed herself away from the conversation, but Thea quickly followed.

"Hey, you okay?"

Aurora turned back to Thea. "Yeah. I'm just going to go clear up some work stuff and rest for a while."

Thea let out a nod and a smile. "Okay. If you need anything you can let me know." Aurora let out a smile of her own. "Thanks, Thea."

Aurora quickly left the living area and walked up the many steps to the room that Moira had put her in for the night. Her scrubs sat at the edge of the bed, neatly folded, as she wore some of Thea's spare clothing.

Aurora closed the door to the massive suite, but was distracted by the little stain of blood on her bandage. She unwrapped the gauze and saw the string of blue stitches in her skin running from one end of her wrist to the other. One of the sutures in the center had come unknotted, which reopened part of her wound. Aurora let out a breath as she sat at the vanity near the far wall of the room.

She dug through the drawers and found a nail set with tweezers. She pulled the tweezers from the case and had to look in the bathroom for something to disinfect the instrument with. Aurora had found some Hydrogen Peroxide and knew that was the only thing she was going to find. She took her supplies back to the vanity and started her procedure on herself. She soaked the tweezers in the Peroxide as she completely unwrapped her gauze.

The knot was now completely undone, but still stitched into her skin. Aurora took the tweezers out of the Peroxide and gripped one end of the suture and took the other with her fingernails. She was working at an odd angle and she knew it would almost be pointless to fix it. Just as the tweezers slipped from her grasp, there was a knock on her door.

"Aurora? It's Oliver."

Aurora reached down to grab the tweezers, "You can come in."

Oliver slowly opened the door and noticed what Aurora was trying to accomplish.

"What happened?"

Aurora soaked the tweezers again. "One of my stitches popped. I'm trying to knot it back together."

Oliver came up to the vanity and looked down at her wrist. "Do you need some help?"

Aurora let out a scoff. "Do you know how to tie a stitch?"

Oliver rolled up his sleeves and Aurora just now noticed that his suit jacket was off. "I know a thing or two."

Oliver knelt down next to Aurora and poured a bit of Peroxide onto his fingertips before he gently started to work with the small stitch.

"Can I ask what you were doing at Queen Consolidated last night?"

Aurora tried to keep still. "I wanted to talk with Moira about changing my name before I went to work."

"And you saw him? The Hood Guy?"

Aurora shook her head. "Not really. I tried to help him after Moira shot him, but he pushed me back before he jumped out of the window."

Oliver glanced up slightly. "You tried to help him?"

Aurora nodded. "My instincts kicked in. He was shot."

Oliver pulled at the stitch and straightened up. "You sound worried."

Aurora nodded again. "I am. From what I could see the bullet just missed the carotid artery."

Oliver took the clean roll of gauze and wrapped Aurora's wrist. "I have a feeling he'll come back from that."

"That's probably why Moira is keeping me here for a while."

Oliver let his eyes widen slightly. "You're staying here?"

Aurora nodded. "Only for a while. I really have to get back to work soon."

Oliver stood up. "Did you ever talk to her about your name?"

Aurora started gathering up the makeshift medical supplies. "I did. Both her and Thea agree that it would be a good idea. Moira said she was going to set something up for tomorrow."

Olivier let out a smile. "That's good."

Aurora nodded. "She wanted you and Thea there as well. Something about starting off fresh."

Oliver let out a snort. "A fresh start for a new Queen. Sounds like something my mother would do." Oliver looked down at her. "Get some rest. I will see you tomorrow morning."

Aurora let out a small smile. "Goodnight, and thank you." She held up the Peroxide and tweezers.

Oliver set a hand on her shoulder before he slowly left the large room. Aurora quickly put away her supplies before she sat down on the plush maroon bedding. She looked around the bedroom and wasn't at all surprised to have it completely furnished. Aurora got comfortable under the comforter and made sure that the door was closed. She glanced out of the large window and spotted the moon. She let the moonlight quickly wash her to sleep. 

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