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Aurora, Thea and Moira sat in the living room marveling at Aurora's bracelet. Of course, Thea and Moira were used to having such expensive things, but this was completely new to Aurora.

"He sounds like he loves you very much."

Aurora had on a smile. "I hope so, because I love him too." It was like confessing to her girlfriends and not her mother and sister. She loved the connection they all had.

"I have always been fond of Tommy and I'm glad that the two of you found each other." Moira was sincere.

They all let out smiles as Oliver walked around the corner. Aurora looked up and her smile immediately failed. The look on Oliver's face told her something had happened. She hoped to God it wasn't about Felicity. The women all looked up and knew something was wrong. Thea was the first to speak.

"Ollie? Are you okay?"

Oliver slowly sat down on the table in front of them and Aurora had to let out a breath.

Oliver let out a breath before he spoke. "I need to talk to you."

Moira wasn't convinced yet. "What is it?"

Oliver looked up. "It's about Walter."

Aurora knew who Walter was. He was Moira's second husband and Thea and Oliver's step-dad.

There was a shift in the room and in Moira's tone. "Did the police contact you?"

"One of Mr. Diggle's army buddies works for the FBI now. And they got news tonight."

Thea shook her head. "No."

Oliver had tears in his eyes. "I'm very sorry."

Moira shook her head and looked to Thea. "No, no, no, no. There must be some mistake." She suddenly became agitated. "Who-who did Mr. Diggle talk to? Did they find a body?"

"Mom." Oliver quickly shot her down. "Walter's gone."

The mother quickly stood up and abandoned her kids. "No, this isn't right."

"Where are you going?" Oliver's voice was calm.

"Out." Her answer was quick.

"It's ten o'clock at night." Oliver stood up.

Moira was still in a hurry. "I need some air."

Oliver took a step forward. "Mom, you're in shock."

Moira turned to face her son. "Don't tell me what or how I feel, Oliver." And then she was out the door.

"Why is she acting like that?" Thea had stood from the couch.

Oliver walked up to his little sister and pulled her into a hug. The event that just happened reminded Aurora of the time that the Military showed up at her door in the middle of the night.


There was a knock on the door and she half expected for her father to answer it. Aurora rolled over in her bed when the knock sounded again. She let out a huff and jumped out of bed. She pulled on a sweater and padded through the large apartment and opened the door. Standing in front of her were two officers dressed in their military uniforms. Aurora assumed they were here for her father.

"Aurora Kane?"

Aurora was confused. "Yes?"

The female officer stepped forward. "My name is Lieutenant Walker and this is Lieutenant Jones."

Aurora was suddenly awake. She turned around in the apartment and expected her father to be at the door by now. She suddenly started to panic.

"Miss Kane, there was an accident that involved your father and your sister."


The woman continued. "I'm afraid they were in a car accident a few hours ago. We need for you to come down to the hospital and identify the bodies."

Aurora looked up. "The bodies? What happened?" Tears started to fall from her eyes and she couldn't stop them.

Lieutenant Jones stepped in front of Lieutenant Walker and got down to Aurora's level. "Miss Kane, I worked with your father on several occasions. My name is Daniel Jones. Would you come with us please?"

Aurora looked up at Daniel and swallowed. "I need shoes."

She hurried and slid on her door shoes and grabbed her purse before she followed them out of the door and to the most devastating thing that a person has to go through.


"I'm sorry this is bad timing, but I have to."

Oliver shook his head. "Aurora it's the middle of the night."

Aurora nodded her head. "And if I leave now I can get there by morning."

Oliver swallowed. "At least let somebody drive you."

"I have to do this on my own. Walter coming back just reminded me that my own father isn't coming back. I need to go to Central City tonight."

Oliver let out a breath. "Okay. Um, if you need anything just call me."

Aurora nodded. "I will. I'll probably stay a day there. So, I'll be back soon."

Aurora already had a bag packed and she was out of the house before Oliver could say anything. Aurora knew that she needed to tell Tommy where she was going. She was going to see her father and sister. Possible some friends and other family.

When Aurora entered the Queen's mansion again after two days, things felt weird. She felt better after seeing her father and sister again. Aurora even met up with a cousin while she was in Central City. It was nice to see family again, but it was also nice to be home. She still felt weird walking into the mansion, but once Raisa greeted her she felt at home again.


Aurora looked up to see Thea rushing down the steps. "Hey, how was Central City?"

Aurora nodded. "It was good. Good to see family again."

"Well, welcome home."

Aurora gave a snort of a laugh. "I was gone for two days."

Thea nodded. "And what a crazy two days it has been. It's been oddly quiet around here. Oh, and Oliver's driver is back."

"John?" Aurora liked to see John again.

"Yeah, that's the one. Well, I'm late to see a friend. Welcome back." Thea skidded around Aurora and out of the house and Aurora was left alone in the glorious house. 

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